Random facts about your stories. (3 Viewers)


Victory is mine.
Nov 6, 2004
orange_blob said:
ScottyG utilises the technique of grammatical "errors" to promote disscussion, aswell as to make him seem more of a down to earth person, and he does this well to express the theme of writing short fiction in his posts. His omission of the apostrophe in "thats" [sic] makes him seem more approachable, and thus helps to increase the number of replies in his threads.
Good discussion of techniques and how they convey meaning and thematical concerns. Quotes would help lift response. Good job overall.



Feb 12, 2006
In a place of glorious wonder
Lord Pheasant said:
Is your story written in first person, second person, or third person? All three!

Over how many years does your story span? One day
Emph said:
Is your story written in first person, second person, or third person? All of the above.

Over how many years does your story span? No years, no months, no weeks. My entire story takes up one day.

Geez! These stories sound a bit similar....


May 21, 2005
In a sand cave
1) Is your story written in first person, second person, or third person? To whoever has used second person, I shall give them my appreciation ($US 10000.00 value).
Alas, first person, so no 10000.00 value for me.

2) What is the general tone of your story? humourous, serious, sarcastic etc.
Humourous/sarcastic as I'm unable to write seriously. Mind you I'm not entirely sure I'm that good at being funny either.

3) Over how many years does your story span?
No years for me. Just a couple of days.

4) How many characters die?

5) What was the previous name for your story?
It doesn't even have a present one.

6) How many main characters have you utilised?

7) How many sub characters have you utilised?
Quite a lot, actually. Ten - Fourteen.

8) What is the first plant/animal you mention in the story?
A fat white cat

9) Does your story take place in both night and day?
Uhh.. yes.

10) Have you used any of the five following words in your story: subtle, invisible, gigantic, stubble, morbid.
Subtle and invisible. Possibly gigantic.


Jan 18, 2006
I'm not doing short stories, but my friend's sounds really cool so I'm going to do theirs :).

1) Is your story written in first person, second person, or third person? Third.

2) What is the general tone of your story? Serious, psychoanalytical.

3) Over how many years does your story span? Hmm quite a few years.

4) How many characters die? Physically - none. Psychologically - three.

5) What was the previous name for your story? ...

6) How many main characters have you utilised? One.

7) How many sub characters have you utilised? Three.

8) What is the first plant/animal you mention in the story? Probably a goldfish or something . . .

9) Does your story take place in both night and day? Yes.

10) Have you used any of the five following words in your story: subtle, invisible, gigantic, stubble, morbid. Stubble probably.


New Member
Nov 27, 2005
Anywhere and everywhere
hmm, let's try this shall we...

1) Is your story written in first person, second person, or third person? huh. well, i'm kind of thinking of using all three (do i get brownie points for that?)

2) What is the general tone of your story? morbid and depressing in one part, contemptuous and ambitious in another, and open and exhilirating in the last.

3) Over how many years does your story span? um, i think that it's only going to be one day althoug there will be flashbacks

4) How many characters die? um, none i think. though a brother of one of the characters died in the past so i don't know if that counts.

5) What was the previous name for your story? Emulsions

6) How many main characters have you utilised? Three.

7) How many sub characters have you utilised? None?

8) What is the first plant/animal you mention in the story? Haven't really gotten to the naming part yet. And my drafts are a bit random and so far are mostly about parts from the middle and end of my story.

9) Does your story take place in both night and day? Nope.

10) Have you used any of the five following words in your story: subtle, invisible, gigantic, stubble, morbid. not yet, but there's always room for inspiration. i'll probably end up using subtle, invisible and morbid though.
Feb 20, 2006
1. What's the title of your story? That's Entertainment.

2. What's the name of one of the main characters? Thurston.
3.Is/are they guys/girls? Guy.

4. What is one setting/location? Err, electronics store.

5. If you could pick a genre in which your story would be most suited, which genre would you pick? Absolutely no idea.

6. Whats the time period? Present, jumps around a lot.

7. Did you use any of these five completely random words in your story (random dictionary poke): stoic, vivacious, audacious, brazen, lacklustre. No.


1) Is your story written in first person, second person, or third person? To whoever has used second person, I shall give them my appreciation ($US 10000.00 value). First person, i'm unoriginal.

2) What is the general tone of your story? humourous, serious, sarcastic etc. Humourous... and creepy, if that's counted.

3) Over how many years does your story span? No more than one.

4) How many characters die? None... yet.

5) What was the previous name for your story? Always been That's Entertainment. I came up with the title before the story.

6) How many main characters have you utilised? There is only one.

7) How many sub characters have you utilised? Two.

8) What is the first plant/animal you mention in the story? Don't mention either yet.

9) Does your story take place in both night and day? Yes.

10) Have you used any of the five following words in your story: subtle, invisible, gigantic, stubble, morbid. No.


May 29, 2005
1. What's the title of your story? Umm... it`s untitled atm... since I just changed my idea a few weeks ago.

2. What's the name of one of the main characters? Cailin.
3.Is/are they guys/girls? Girl.

4. What is one setting/location? In the car.

5. If you could pick a genre in which your story would be most suited, which genre would you pick? Uhh.. Don`t know.

6. Whats the time period? Now.

7. Did you use any of these five completely random words in your story (random dictionary poke): stoic, vivacious, audacious, brazen, lacklustre. Nope.


1) Is your story written in first person, second person, or third person? First person.

2) What is the general tone of your story? humourous, serious, sarcastic etc. Attempting to be serious; I think it`s clichedness makes it (unintentionally) humourous though.

3) Over how many years does your story span? Don`t know.

4) How many characters die? None.

5) What was the previous name for your story? Didn`t even think of doing a story before. It was a critical, however, you Short Story people offered cookies and puppies, so I took the bait.

6) How many main characters have you utilised? Three.

7) How many sub characters have you utilised? One.

8) What is the first plant/animal you mention in the story? I think it`s a tree (species unknown.)

9) Does your story take place in both night and day? Yes.

10) Have you used any of the five following words in your story: subtle, invisible, gigantic, stubble, morbid. I think I`ve used `subtle' and `invisible.'


Ára bátur
Nov 5, 2004
ScottyG said:
Well, to get the ball rolling considering this forum seems to have become a bucket of mollasses (you're all off writing I imagine) I figured we'd get around to shedding some information just for the sake of curiosity.

And no I'm not sure how to spell 'mollasses'. I don't know if that metaphor even works but thats besides the point. Answer these at your own whim.

1. What's the title of your story?

2. What's the name of one of the main characters?

3.Is/are they guys/girls?

4. What is one setting/location?

5. If you could pick a genre in which your story would be most suited, which genre would you pick?

6. Whats the time period?

7. Did you use any of these five completely random words in your story (random dictionary poke): stoic, vivacious, audacious, brazen, lacklustre.


Schlama says

1. Veils of Falling Ebony (working title)
2. Audrey Mei
3. 17/F
4. A cream weatherboard house in the middle of suburbia with unnaturally clean windows and a slinky black cat who refuses to answer to anything other than "pumpkins"
5. Historical and Cultural Identity Crime Fiction Short Story (similar to Snow falling on Cedars genre)
6. Background - 1940-50
7. Vivacious

I liked this...actually..first survey thing i've found vaguely interesting.
Thank yoooooooo
Schalamama Llama
Edit: Oh Holy Crapamolie Angelina Jolie...its another one....

1) Is your story written in first person, second person, or third person? To whoever has used second person, I shall give them my appreciation ($US 10000.00 value).

I don't want the root of all evil, so i'm writing in 3rd person and 1st person (Sorry, i'm not creative or brainy or anything brillian, god damnit)

2) What is the general tone of your story? humourous, serious, sarcastic etc.

Quirky and serious I guess..

3) Over how many years does your story span?
A generation

4) How many characters die?
Hmm two.

5) What was the previous name for your story?
The Mimosa Tree

6) How many main characters have you utilised?

7) How many sub characters have you utilised?
About 3

8) What is the first plant/animal you mention in the story?
A reference to catfish whiskers?! then a lawn..bahahahaha

9) Does your story take place in both night and day?

10) Have you used any of the five following words in your story: subtle, invisible, gigantic, stubble, morbid.

Schlamie has no brain.
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Victory is mine.
Nov 6, 2004
Time for new questions.

But no. No new questions for you. Time for someone else, meaning anyone, to ask some questions. Some examples not to use include;

1) Why does my printer smell like effluent?

2) That cat is pregnant, but why and when and how?

3) Dairy cows are planning to kill us all. Discuss this statement drawing on your knowledge of TWO of your prescribed texts, and ONE of your own choosing. You should allow 45 minutes for this section.


Ára bátur
Nov 5, 2004
What triggered the inspiration for the storyline of your short story?

Would you ever consider doing a short film or screenplay of your short story?

Does anyone like T.S. Elliot? (irrelevent but I can't think of anymore and I like things in threes)


Ára bátur
Nov 5, 2004
ScottyG said:
Time for new questions.

But no. No new questions for you. Time for someone else, meaning anyone, to ask some questions. Some examples not to use include;

1) Why does my printer smell like effluent?

2) That cat is pregnant, but why and when and how?

3) Dairy cows are planning to kill us all. Discuss this statement drawing on your knowledge of TWO of your prescribed texts, and ONE of your own choosing. You should allow 45 minutes for this section.

The pregnant cat and dairy cows are planning to kill us all, but why and when and how? Drawing on your knowledge of printers being used incorrecty, analyse your situation using the context "What would George W Bush do?". Then come up with a damn conclusion and a nice random story in a time period that should allow you with 45 minutes extra to procrastinate and drink milo.


Mar 15, 2006
1. What's the title of your story? God's Tears

2. What's the name of one of the main characters? Rani

3.Is/are they guys/girls? Girl

4. What is one setting/location? Dreams...

5. If you could pick a genre in which your story would be most suited, which genre would you pick? Fantasy

6. Whats the time period? Present-ish

7. Did you use any of these five completely random words in your story (random dictionary poke): stoic, vivacious, audacious, brazen, lacklustre. Not a one.


1) Is your story written in first person, second person, or third person? To whoever has used second person, I shall give them my appreciation ($US 10000.00 value). Third person

2) What is the general tone of your story? humourous, serious, sarcastic etc. Um. I don't know. Hopefully it will grow a little more humorous/ sarcastic with time.

3) Over how many years does your story span? From the beginning of all creation to about now.

4) How many characters die? Three, so far. But two of them were evil, so it doesn't really count ^^

5) What was the previous name for your story? A man in a blue coat

6) How many main characters have you utilised? Four, if you count God.

7) How many sub characters have you utilised? Four, if you count God.

8) What is the first plant/animal you mention in the story? Grass.

9) Does your story take place in both night and day? Yes

10) Have you used any of the five following words in your story: subtle, invisible, gigantic, stubble, morbid. Yes, Yes, No, No, No.


1) Why does my printer smell like effluent? Probably becasue it dislikes ramen

2) That cat is pregnant, but why and when and how? Ask someone who does biology.

3) Dairy cows are planning to kill us all. Discuss this statement drawing on your knowledge of TWO of your prescribed texts, and ONE of your own choosing. You should allow 45 minutes for this section.
*45 minutes passes*


What triggered the inspiration for the storyline of your short story?
The floral print on the couch

Would you ever consider doing a short film or screenplay of your short story?

Does anyone like T.S. Elliot? (irrelevent but I can't think of anymore and I like things in threes)
Don't think so.

Unfortunately i don't like milo, so i am unable to do the next question. Oops.



Feb 12, 2006
In a place of glorious wonder
1) Why does my printer smell like effluent? more to the point... where are you keeping your printer in order that it smells like effluent

2) That cat is pregnant, but why and when and how? did you never get the 'birds and the bees' talk?

3) Dairy cows are planning to kill us all. Discuss this statement drawing on your knowledge of TWO of your prescribed texts, and ONE of your own choosing. You should allow 45 minutes for this section. this might actually be appropriate for imaginative journeys. i dont remember any dairy cows in The Tempest though....

4)What triggered the inspiration for the storyline of your short story?another short story i read. I would really like to find something creative to say but alas no.

5)Would you ever consider doing a short film or screenplay of your short story? perhaps. it has sort of already been done though. i do plan on writing a collection of stories along the same theme and then publishing them one day though.

6)Does anyone like T.S. Elliot? I can't say i know him personally

And now for my own questions....

* Imagine you are your main character. What flavour of ice cream would you choose and why?
* What social group at school would your main chatacer fit into?

1) i think she would choose chocolate choc-chip because of the dark colour and the lumpiness of it
2) the creative yet depressive people
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Ára bátur
Nov 5, 2004
Emph said:
* Imagine you are your main character. What flavour of ice cream would you choose and why?

They'd probably pick tea or vodka flavoured
* What social group at school would your main chatacer fit into?
He's a 79 year old man. Who knows. the geriatric one.


May 21, 2005
In a sand cave
1) Why does my printer smell like effluent? Don't worry, most printers smell like that. I think it's a way of reminding us that we are killing a tree every time we print a page. Or something like that.

2) That cat is pregnant, but why and when and how? *That* particular cat? That's odd, I always thought it was a male...

3) Dairy cows are planning to kill us all. Discuss this statement drawing on your knowledge of TWO of your prescribed texts, and ONE of your own choosing. You should allow 45 minutes for this section. Only 45 minutes? But it's such a broad topic. Or are we only discussing the local dairy cows? Because I heard that the dairy cows over in Europe have already started stock-piling weapons.

4)What triggered the inspiration for the storyline of your short story? Not sure, I was just sitting there one day and all of a sudden I had an epiphany. Actually, I think it was from sitting there staring at my journal thinking, 'I should be writing something right now.'

5)Would you ever consider doing a short film or screenplay of your short story? Nah, I'm too lazy.

6)Does anyone like T.S. Elliot? I'm sure someone does, somewhere.


Imagine you are your main character. What flavour of ice cream would you choose and why?
Chocolate, because that's the only good flavour of ice-cream.

What social group at school would your main chatacer fit into?
Teh like, totally cool peeps. Nah, my character is too cool for school.


Mar 15, 2006
* Imagine you are your main character. What flavour of ice cream would you choose and why?
Guava... the gelatto stuff.
* What social group at school would your main chatacer fit into?
It's an odd one. The odd group, i guess. Maybe.


New Member
Mar 17, 2006
1. What's the title of your story? Dreaming in an Empty Room

2. What's the name of one of the main characters? I'm not sure at the moment...something with symbolic connotations no doubt.

3.Is/are they guys/girls? Guy

4. What is one setting/location? Tall Office Building

5. If you could pick a genre in which your story would be most suited, which genre would you pick? Fantasy (it's not really)

6. Whats the time period? Present

7. Did you use any of these five completely random words in your story (random dictionary poke): stoic, vivacious, audacious, brazen, lacklustre. Having not written more than a mere hundred words, no.


1) Is your story written in first person, second person, or third person? To whoever has used second person, I shall give them my appreciation ($US 10000.00 value). First Person

2) What is the general tone of your story? humourous, serious, sarcastic etc. Reflective, for the lack of a better description.

3) Over how many years does your story span? A few weeks.

4) How many characters die? Quite a few, but its not a literal, physical death.

5) What was the previous name for your story? Big Ext.2 Project Thing

6) How many main characters have you utilised? One.

7) How many sub characters have you utilised? None as yet - the focus as moreover been on the narrator of the story.

8) What is the first plant/animal you mention in the story? Grass.

9) Does your story take place in both night and day? Yes

10) Have you used any of the five following words in your story: subtle, invisible, gigantic, stubble, morbid. Not yet.


1) Why does my printer smell like effluent? Nothing witty is coming to mind.

2) That cat is pregnant, but why and when and how? And again, nothing.

3) Dairy cows are planning to kill us all. Discuss this statement drawing on your knowledge of TWO of your prescribed texts, and ONE of your own choosing. You should allow 45 minutes for this section.
I'll sleep on it.


What triggered the inspiration for the storyline of your short story?
A Stephen Sewell play and a poem of a similar name.

Would you ever consider doing a short film or screenplay of your short story?

Does anyone like T.S. Elliot? (irrelevent but I can't think of anymore and I like things in threes)
To go against the grain, I'll just say I do.

Some of the other projects appear to be very well conceived. I should really get onto drafting.



one helluva naughty ninja
Jul 31, 2005
The craphole of Sydney
1) Why does my printer smell like effluent? Please note that a printer is used for printing, nothing else, my dear. ^_^

2) That cat is pregnant, but why and when and how? OMG CAN WE TAKE THE FETUS OUT AND EAT IT

3) Dairy cows are planning to kill us all. Discuss this statement drawing on your knowledge of TWO of your prescribed texts, and ONE of your own choosing. You should allow 45 minutes for this section. *injects all cows with another form of Mad Cow Disease and watches them all eat each other alive*

4)What triggered the inspiration for the storyline of your short story? I was sitting there, thinking to myself, 'Wouldn't it be weird if some voice, like, came along and, like, said you weren't real, and like, drove you crazy, like? That'd be, like, crazy. Fo shizzle.'

5)Would you ever consider doing a short film or screenplay of your short story? Yup.

6)Does anyone like T.S. Elliot? Who's T.S Elliot?

Imagine you are your main character. What flavour of ice cream would you choose and why?
One would like green-tea ice cream, because green tea is healthy and he likes green tea (strange, strange person, though grean tea ice cream is very nice). One wouldn't like ice cream because it doesn't know what ice cream is. And the other would probably like something sickly sweet, because everything else in her life is dark and horrible.

What social group at school would your main chatacer fit into?
One would be among the quiet, studious lot; the other would be one of the artsy, sagely students who everyone went to for advice; and the last would be the reject and/or outcast of the school who everyone hates.


Ára bátur
Nov 5, 2004
TS Elliot is a poet by the way.
He wrote The Wasteland, so if you're familiar with Joseph Conrad's The Heart Of Darkness, it was inspired by that poem.

....I like him, I think his poetry is good, for once, unlike Szckenecki who we've deemed "Emo"... (but thats avoiding the context in which he wrote his poems :p)

Oh another question

"If your story involves death, does their death involve any of your own experiences with death?"

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