savio23q said:
I've been thinking about putting one of these 2 courses as my preferences for uni next year but I don't have much info about them. Has anyone studied either of the two or know anyone that has? What are they like - easy, fun, hard, interesting? Also, which of the two would you recommend? I'm leaning more towards radiography but I might miss out due to the UAI requirement.
Any help is appreciated
You will find some information with the previous threads regarding radiography. srsly, go read them they will be useful.
Currently in NSW there are 3 universities providing medical radiation science as an accredited course by the Australian Institute of Radiography: University of Sydney, University of Newcastle, and Charles Sturt University. The AIR is the governing body for all medical radiation workers. link
I can't tell you if its hard or not. Everyone has different weaknesses and strengths - some will find particular subjects hard, some will find the same thing easy. However generally people find the neurology component of Structure, Function and Anatomy II in first year rather tedious.
Radiography is like photography, except the subject is human anatomy. There will be some physics involved so that you understand how x-rays work, and how to use the x-rays to produce a good diagnostic image for the doctors.
There are heaps more job opportunities in radiography than radiation therapy, simply because there is more demand for medical imaging than radiation treatment. You see small private medical imaging places around, but you'll never see radiation therapy private practices because they're only available in major hospitals.
If you're worried about missing out on the radiography cut-off, its not a big deal. People transfer over from other courses all the time.