Quick q's about Sydney Boys (1 Viewer)


Sep 7, 2008
Hi boys :p

I've been accepted for Yr 12 next term. If I do end up going, I want to do 4U Math (+AdvEnglish+Physics+Chem).

Apparently in term 4 we continue the 3U Math course, and late that term the whole grade sits a 3U exam, with the top 120 ranks making 4U....Meaning that I'll only have 9 units for the beginning of Yr 12?

- If the above is correct, what makes up the tenth unit? (Extension1 English?)
- And what if I don't make the top 120? I'd have to keep that crappy extra unit for the rest of the HSC, right?
- Is the situation with English similar? (ie. if we do in fact keep Ext1 and have grade-wide exams with top ranks offered Ext2 Eng. Or have those rankings been decided by your Prelim yearlies?)
I'll put some extra questions to you if I can remember them. I've changed my mind about 20 billion times as to whether I should stay at my ~100 rank school or go. Cheers :cook:


Jul 20, 2009
hi mate

basicaly, the 2u accelerated guys have done all of the 2u course and started the trig topic of 3unit. yes, later in term 4 we sit a combined 2u and 3u test where the top 120 guys from that test will be offered to do 4u maths. its quite a large number and tbh, you should have a good chance in getting in if your an academic import.

we haven't really been told about subject selection and how its gonna work next term, but I'm guessing the school will make us keep a 2 unit subject just in case we don't make the top 120 for 4 unit. [or have us take 11 or more units, inc. 4u maths in case we don't make it]

With english, it will be the top 80 (which I think will have been determined marks overall in yearlies.half yearlies) Not sure about ext 2 english though. I'm guessing in the circumstances for you, the head will consider whether you can do ext english (probably look at the results from your current school - she's a very nice person btw) Oh, and we did our yearlies in the last 2 weeks of school, and since then we haven;t been to school, so the only marks we know are for the 2u accelerated maths guys (we sat the maths exam a week earlier)

There are yr 12's on this forum, and someone like aerath would be able to answer ur q's better then I could - give him a pm or something.

Hope to cya around, and don't hesitate to ask any q's


Prophet 9
Aug 6, 2008
What happens is that you'll need 10 units WITHOUT extension 2 maths until the places have been offerred.

So basically they make sure even if you don't make the extension subjects you will still have 10 units. Then, if you make it, then you can drop whatever.
and yes, theres ~120 places for extension 2 maths, which is plenty in my opinion because tbh, the bottom 10 or so are pretty fail.

For extension english, u'd have to be around top 80, and if you make ext 1 you can automatically choose to do ext 2 english if u want.

edit, i might not have answered ur questions

- If the above is correct, what makes up the tenth unit? (Extension1 English?)
Nah, any other subjects as wlel, e.g. you can be doing 3unit maths (waiting to do 4unit) then, 2 eng 2 bio 2 phys 2 chem for example, since everyone has to be doing 3 other subjects apart from maths and english, alternatively i think you can pick up SOR 1.
- And what if I don't make the top 120? I'd have to keep that crappy extra unit for the rest of the HSC, right?
yes, if you don't make the top 120, u probably shudn't be doing it, coz the last few guys are bad. (even bottom 20 i dare say). btw, the top 120 is based on the common 2unit and 3unit test. not only the 3unit one.
- Is the situation with English similar? (ie. if we do in fact keep Ext1 and have grade-wide exams with top ranks offered Ext2 Eng. Or have those rankings been decided by your Prelim yearlies?)
i think it was decided by prelim yearlies. So if you're new they'd probably let you in if you talk with the head teacher. (providing theres spots)
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Sep 7, 2008
Thanks both of you. Tim, you've helped me as much as anyone on here, I really am grateful, especially considering you have final exams in a little while.

- I forgot to ask beforehand: what Math textbook/s are we using in Yr12? Cambridge? I may as well buy them in the holidays...catch up on the 2U that you guys accelerated.

- How is the 2U Math cohort? Let's say, things happen and I end up doing only 2U Math...you see, the only reason I'm going is for smarter, faster classes and competition etc.

Below are some further questions in red.

its quite a large number and tbh, you should have a good chance in getting in if your an academic import.
I *think* I'm in for academics...I'm pretty useless at everything else

With english, it will be the top 80 (which I think will have been determined marks overall in yearlies.half yearlies) Not sure about ext 2 english though. I'm guessing in the circumstances for you, the head will consider whether you can do ext english (probably look at the results from your current school - she's a very nice person btw)
Lol, I don't my EnglishAdv+EngExt1 marks are good enough for that. But will the English Advanced classes be determined by ranks or merely availability of students/classes in the course lines?

There are yr 12's on this forum, and someone like aerath would be able to answer ur q's better then I could - give him a pm or something.
Was actually PM'ing him then decided to make this thread -- didn't want to bother an 09'er haha.

For extension english, u'd have to be around top 80, and if you make ext 1 you can automatically choose to do ext 2 english if u want.
Oh that's good news! Will I have a chance to redeem my crappy Prelim marks in term 4 English or am I doomed to 4U Math?

Nah, any other subjects as wlel, e.g. you can be doing 3unit maths (waiting to do 4unit) then, 2 eng 2 bio 2 phys 2 chem for example, since everyone has to be doing 3 other subjects apart from maths and english, alternatively i think you can pick up SOR 1.

For me it's only Physics and Chem...geez, ur telling me I'd have to make up the units with a different subject rather than just the English Ext1? Does this rule apply EVEN if I make 4U Math? (ie. 12 units in total)

yes, if you don't make the top 120, u probably shudn't be doing it, coz the last few guys are bad. (even bottom 20 i dare say). btw, the top 120 is based on the common 2unit and 3unit test. not only the 3unit one.

Yeah, apparently I'll be put into one of the bottom 4 classes next term, which is understandable because I haven't accelerated. But once the top 120 are determined via the grade-wide test, isn't there the issue of discrepancy between accelerants/non-accelerants being placed together? As a result, guys ending up doing topics twice or skipping topics entirely?

I must say, if I stayed at my current school (ranked ~100, but probly more like 75-90 for my 2010 cohort) things would be a lot simpler, because I'd get the choice of 4U Math + 4U English from the get-go (courses aren't half so competitive here, obviously). I only want to do 10 units, so I'd just drop 2 Extensions as I see fit, dependent on my teachers/preferences etc. The only reason I'm leaving is for a better, faster learning environment.

That's why I have bloody brain aneurysms whenever I think about all this, which is often. :pain:

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Jul 20, 2009
Thanks both of you. Tim, you've helped me as much as anyone on here, I really am grateful, especially considering you have final exams in a little while.

- I forgot to ask beforehand: what Math textbook/s are we using in Yr12? Cambridge? I may as well buy them in the holidays...catch up on the 2U that you guys accelerated.

For 2u, the top 4 classes used mainly cambridge yr 11 3u and fitzpatrick 2 unit (yellow) The other classes used fitz and maths in focus i think. Umm for 3u, not 100% sure but I think we just used the yr 12 cambrdige 3u and fitz 3u; tim will probably clarify on this.

Lol, I don't my EnglishAdv+EngExt1 marks are good enough for that. But will the English Advanced classes be determined by ranks or merely availability of students/classes in the course lines?

not sure about this, but im guessing after the top 80 have been placed, the rest of the students ill be placed in random classes;maybe those who struggle in english will be placed in smaller classes for more attention.. i dunno really. but english here is genearlly.. not a strong point, so if u'd like to get pushed a bit, i would say try to make an ext eng class, and drop it right before trials or something like that if you don't like ext eng.

- How is the 2U Math cohort? Let's say, things happen and I end up doing only 2U Math...you see, the only reason I'm going is for smarter, faster classes and competition etc.

lol, tbh, at least keep 3u. you should be more then capable of coping with the 2u course - even though our exams are quite difficult (generally), if the top 120 are doing 4u, then that will leave about 80 kids in the rest of the year who do 2u (or less if some choose not to do maths). But then the bad thing IMO is then next year's year 11 2u accelerants - you will be competing with them for your ranks after your 2u trials. In our year, generally yr 11's grabbed the top ranks overall for the 2u ranks and im guessing it'll be a similiar story next year.

Below are some further questions in red.

Yeah, apparently I'll be put into one of the bottom 4 classes next term, which is understandable because I haven't accelerated. But once the top 120 are determined via the grade-wide test, isn't there the issue of discrepancy between accelerants/non-accelerants being placed together? As a result, guys ending up doing topics twice or skipping topics entirely?

nah I think it ends up being the same - cause we don;t start 4u maths till next year. If you get placed in the bottom 4 classes (im guessing these are the non-accelerants - they did about to introductory calculus for the half yearlies, before they started doing 3u work. im not sure what topics they've covered exactly, but I know they've done at least trig and perhaps 3u probability- i can ask for you if u want) The test for the 4u classes ends up being quite fair, as its assessed on a combination fo the 2u and 3u stuff all the guys who are doing 3u have only covered. Perhaps a disadvantage of being in one of the lower classes, is arguably the teacher who u get may not be that good - it will really depend on you to work really really hard. I'm just thinking of the teachers of the non-accelerated classes.. and there are a couple that people say aren't that good.

once again, ill need someone to correct me lol. We haven;t been told anything/no one;s been concerened about next year cause we had prelims.

You will find that the environment is more competitive here.. but then again, there are some dodgy teachers here. In the science department, you might get lucky and get one, if not two excellent teachers for chem and physics. well the others.. are ok, one or two are terrible and if you do get them, then its up to you to work in class by yourself.


Sep 7, 2008
Perhaps a disadvantage of being in one of the lower classes, is arguably the teacher who u get may not be that good - it will really depend on you to work really really hard. I'm just thinking of the teachers of the non-accelerated classes.. and there are a couple that people say aren't that good.

You will find that the environment is more competitive here.. but then again, there are some dodgy teachers here. In the science department, you might get lucky and get one, if not two excellent teachers for chem and physics. well the others.. are ok, one or two are terrible and if you do get them, then its up to you to work in class by yourself.
Thanks again buddy

- I've heard from other ppl as well that English isn't a strong point at High, and but surely it's still better than a school ranked 75-100?

- Also could you or someone give me a roundup of my chances of getting a good teacher in Math/Physics/Chem/EnglishAdvanced?

I'll clarify more on why I want to go to High:

1) Better teaching.
At my current school, I'm really happy with my Physics & Chem teachers, both of whom I'll have next year; English teacher is fine, I will have him next year; Math teacher I can't understand what she says at all, chances are I'll have her just for Ext2 but we'll have a really good teacher for the other 3U of Math.

2) No-nonsense classes...I wanna get a 99 UAI and want to really get to school and just work. I'm not saying I'm an ubergeek, but in class time I don't like to waste time or be distracted. I find that sometimes our classes are held back a little by slow ppl, ppl who don't care -- however, they might change next year, as next year is what counts.


Prophet 9
Aug 6, 2008
If you made the 4unit class, you'd be put in the sorta catch up class with other people that made the 4unit class, that weren't in the accelerated class. You'd just have to catch up by yourself in the summer holidays which shouldn't be too much.

English isn't that great at high. Last year was good though, we had 57 band 6's out of 200ish.
Some of the teachers are average. If you get a bad one, you'd just have to work more independently. In those classes with supposedly bad teachers, theres still people who come top 5 in the grade (for chem/phys) although the rest of the class does bad i guess.

For english, if you do extension, you'd be put in a class with good people.


Sep 7, 2008
If you made the 4unit class, you'd be put in the sorta catch up class with other people that made the 4unit class, that weren't in the accelerated class. So I'd probably never be in a class with accelerants? (I'm rashly assuming accelerants would make up the higher rungs of the top 120) If I don't think I'll ever be in say, the top 3 classes in terms of ability, I may as well stay where I am (simply because those who are doing 4U in my school are the top 10 in the year).

English isn't that great at high. Last year was good though, we had 57 band 6's out of 200ish. Without having pretensions, I'd predict 9-15 band 6's in my class of 25. (I'm in the top class and will remain there) So there won't likely be a huge improvement at High, it may even be worse?

Some of the teachers are average. If you get a bad one, you'd just have to work more independently. That's exactly what I hope to avoid by going to High...I'm reasonably smart, but I can't work independently at all. I can get 99+ at my current school, but not without huge independent effort and discipline. In those classes with supposedly bad teachers, theres still people who come top 5 in the grade (for chem/phys) although the rest of the class does bad i guess.

For english, if you do extension, you'd be put in a class with good people. Haha, perhaps I should take Ext1 up, drop soon after, then hope they don't move me down an Advanced class? XD


Prophet 9
Aug 6, 2008
yeah its up to you. I wouldn't go to sydney high for the teachers though. They are probably around the same as other public schools. It's just the competition here that is good.

A High Way Man

all ova da world
Jul 16, 2007
i wouldnt go to sydney boys high. i was in year 9 when in class, the teacher was absent for a minute. then 2 boys in the back got up, started jumping with their dicks out flapping. it was sick


Jul 20, 2009
Thanks again buddy

- I've heard from other ppl as well that English isn't a strong point at High, and but surely it's still better than a school ranked 75-100?

- Also could you or someone give me a roundup of my chances of getting a good teacher in Math/Physics/Chem/EnglishAdvanced?

I'll clarify more on why I want to go to High:

1) Better teaching.
At my current school, I'm really happy with my Physics & Chem teachers, both of whom I'll have next year; English teacher is fine, I will have him next year; Math teacher I can't understand what she says at all, chances are I'll have her just for Ext2 but we'll have a really good teacher for the other 3U of Math.

2) No-nonsense classes...I wanna get a 99 UAI and want to really get to school and just work. I'm not saying I'm an ubergeek, but in class time I don't like to waste time or be distracted. I find that sometimes our classes are held back a little by slow ppl, ppl who don't care -- however, they might change next year, as next year is what counts.
Just a brief summary, most of the maths teachers here are really good and if you get into a 4u class (sounds like you will) you most defintely will get a teacher who knows his/her stuff. IMO, maths here is probably one of the best faculties in this school. English, well tim probably summed it up - there's probably 2-3 really good teachers, a couple that are ok and the rest that are.. so-so lol. If you do decide to do ext., you'll probably get a good teacher.
Chemistry, there's two really good teachers, but I think only one will teach year 12 next term (but she has 2 classes).
For physics, perhaps only one teacher, he also has 2 classes.. but you may not be able to get in cause there's like a "list" of people wanting to get out of their current class and into his class (he's a excellent teacher)

But in saying that, there are tons of guys in my year who get tutored for their subjects to make up for dodgy teachers, but then there are guys who come first or get top 10 ranks in their subjects without any tutoring at all, and they have dodgy teachers who don;t teach. They just work independently in class. imo.. the whole point of school is preparing you for life after school, and perhaps a good thing about getting a dodgy teacher is self learning - rather then a teacher that spoon feeds you all the time.

Haha, perhaps I should take Ext1 up, drop soon after, then hope they don't move me down an Advanced class? XD

lol, some people are thinking of this - taking up ext so they get put in a good class, and then drop it like in term 2 next year - by then it'll be too late to change your class.

So I'd probably never be in a class with accelerants? (I'm rashly assuming accelerants would make up the higher rungs of the top 120) If I don't think I'll ever be in say, the top 3 classes in terms of ability, I may as well stay where I am (simply because those who are doing 4U in my school are the top 10 in the year).

The "accelerants" are only the top 80 guys in year 11... and tbh, some dont really belong there. They're not invincible or anything lol - if you're aiming to get a b6 in 4u maths, you should be aiming for top 60 (we average around 60ish b6's for 4u)

if you're interested, here's some stats of past results.. the avg no of b6's are there; you should probably aim for those rankings if you want 99+ http://www.sydneyboyshigh.com/publi...view/7806-band-6-results-by-subject-2004-2008

For a atar of 99+, overall you should aim for a rank of.. top 40? maybe even higher. competition at the top end here is pretty fierce, especially in the maths, chem and physics areas.


Sep 7, 2008
thanks again evil...took a look at that table.

a petty question here -- in the case of one having 10 units, does the school go to any efforts to set students' free periods up so you have any afternoon's or mornings off or whatever?

(Cos my pet hate is mid-day frees...I SO want one 1st or 6th period, ha.)


May 10, 2007
a petty question here -- in the case of one having 10 units, does the school go to any efforts to set students' free periods up so you have any afternoon's or mornings off or whatever?

(Cos my pet hate is mid-day frees...I SO want one 1st or 6th period, ha.)
Er, not really. It's pretty much luck of the draw. Some people will have frees at the beginning of the day, or at the end. If you're not in that line, you don't get frees, that simple. And even when you do get free periods at the beginning of the day, there's no guarantee that you will have a free. For instance, everyone that doesn't do extension English had a free on Monday's first period this year. However, Matshs Extension 2 morning classes were on Monday mornings. Since most of the people that don't do Ext 1 English do Extension 2 Maths (no correlation there :rolleyes: ) they had to have their free at school.

There's not much you can do about it, really.


Sep 7, 2008
Thanks no worries thought I might as well ask...


Sep 7, 2008
In year 12 classes: 4U Math, Physics, Chemistry and English Advanced, how many students per class approximately?


May 10, 2007
Varies from class to class.

For me, 4U = 24, Phys = 20, Chem = 15, English Adv (my class is also an Extension class) = 22.


Sep 7, 2008
for me, 25, 21, 20, 24 with like 5, 5, 5, 9
Thanks dude. So you mean--

- Five 4U Math classes, 25 students in your particular class
- 5 Physics classes, 21 in your Physics class
- 5 Chem classes, 20 in your Chem class
- 9 Eng Adv classes, 24 in your English Adv class


May 10, 2007
Well, we had heaps drop out in Yr 11 - Kang, MJ, Ritam, Richard Huynh is never in class, Matt Ling. Went from like 20 to 15.


Sep 7, 2008
Varies from class to class.

For me, 4U = 24, Phys = 20, Chem = 15, English Adv (my class is also an Extension class) = 22.
Thanks man.

Petty question: Has anyone who was in your English extension class dropped Ext1 and remained in the class because it was too late for them to move down???


Jul 20, 2009
Thanks man.

Petty question: Has anyone who was in your English extension class dropped Ext1 and remained in the class because it was too late for them to move down???
i think tons of ppl did that

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