Hey there purplemonkey! Im nearly at the end of my 2nd yr nursing at UTS and its been great so far!
I understand what you mean by wanting to get an inside look at what its really like. Lectures are diff for each subject. In first yr it was usually 2hr lecs for the nrusing subs whcih there are 2 of and a 3hr lec for pathophysiology. The total hours i spend at uni this yr/week is about 14-15hrs.
You can definately still keep up a casual/part-time job, just make sure you keep on top of everything and are prepared for all the assignments. In first yr i must say the assignment didn't seem as heavy as 2nd yr, but i guess thats just the way it is, everything progressively gets a little bit more intense. The assignments are based around things such as case studies and nursing diagnosis, treatment and nursing care of patient. Also there are regular quizes in the subject called fundamentals of pathophysiology, which is about disease processes, treatments, pharamacology etc
About clinical! We started very early in semester one in the first yr, it was week 4-5, but u might want to check if that has changed to a few more weeks down the track now (still very early compared to most uni's, so its good in helping ppl decide if they really want to do nursing incase they are a bit worried)... But yea we had 2 clinical rotations each semester in first yr, 1 week for each nursing subject e.g. cardiovascular and respiratory. In 2nd yr its a similar case but the nursing subs run at the same time (unlike in first yr where during the semester u do the first 7 weeks as cardio and the rest as respiratory) but clinical is a similar situation.
UTS is also really good with using a range of diff hospitals aruond sydney and placing you close at ur local hosp if your lucky lol for all my placements ive been at my local hosp which is only a 10min drive. All placements have been really interesting and ive had the opportunity of being on wards such as resp, orthopaedics, ENT, peri-op, renal and resp again (next week when i go on clinical again). Oh and we do normal shifts in the hosps whether it be a 7am start till 3.30or an arvo shift from 1pm. We also have a facilitator who comes around to us while we're on the ward and helps us do things and we have certain objectives we have to achieve by the end of the 5 days.
I have not seen any nursing homes used, only hospitals, however there are rehab, aged care and palliative care wards you maybe placed on which have a high portion of elderly patients, its just part of the learning experience for now. However for mental health nursing some students are going into community health centres however still part of NSW health, whislt some are going to hospitals with mental health specialities. Oh and for childrens nursing sub in 2nd yr (not actually the sub major in which you do hosp clinical in 3rd yr if you choose it) you either go to a childcare or disability centre with children.
The uniforms have changed this yr so im not sure what the new ones look like but im sure its similar to mine which is pants/skirt and polo shirt and black shoes as per normal.
Oh and about getting good marks, as long as you apply yourself, research your essays and provide an array of sources you will do fine. Same goes for patho, study all the lecs and tuts and you will do great. I have managed to get all D's and HDs to date bar 1 Credit last yr, so its definately possible.
Hope this helps!!! Sorry for it being so long, but there is alot to say lol