Well since it's the formation on Acid Rain, I won't blab about the original sources of stuff.
Basically, acid rain is formed when sulfur dioxide and oxides of nitrogen are emitted into the atmosphere... they see a cloud and dissolve in it. Firstly, for sulfur dioxide:
SO<sub>2 (g)</sub> + H<sub>2</sub>O <sub>(l)</sub> --> H<sub>2</sub>SO<sub>3 (aq)</sub>
...which is sulfurous acid. Also, SO<sub>2</sub> turns into SO<sub>3</sub> with other air impurities acting as the catalyst.
2SO<sub>2 (g)</sub> + O<sub>2 (g)</sub> --> 2SO<sub>3 (g)</sub>
... and this dissolves in water to form the well known sulfuric acid.
SO<sub>3 (g)</sub> + H<sub>2</sub>O <sub>(l)</sub> --> H<sub>2</sub>SO<sub>4</sub>
For the oxides of nitrogen... firstly, say we start from NO.
2NO<sub> (g)</sub> + O<sub>2 (g)</sub> --> 2NO<sub>2 (g)</sub>
Now this one... I'm not too sure. But what I learnt was:
4NO<sub>2 (g)</sub> + 2H<sub>2</sub>O <sub>(l)</sub> + O<sub>2 (g)</sub> --> 4HNO<sub>3 (aq)</sub>
And stufffff like that. I may be wrong for some equations, we'll need another opinion.
Question: How are radioisotopes and transuranic elements produced? (I know a little, it's just that... in my knowledge they're a bit too similar.)
EDIT: Ow, I hate typing SUB and /SUB now