Question about ATAR (1 Viewer)


New Member
Oct 10, 2012
I'd like to ask a question regarding the ATAR.
I've frequently heard from my teachers that to get a high ATAR you would have to achieve good through out the hole year. I heard it also works like 50% of the mark is the marks you get in school and the other 50% determines on your HSC marks.
I haven't done really good through out this year although I've done quiet well in some exams but not all some I've failed some Ive passed and some done perfectly well and some misrable fail.
I usually ask my teachers about the recent work ive been doing and they say you should be able to do good in these upcoming hsc exams and they say you should be able to get band 4's.
I asked them regarding the ATAR and if I will be able to atleast get an atar above 60 and they never answer my question they always beat around the bush and change the topic it gives me the impression that woah ive really stuffed up this year and even if i do good in my HSC exams i think that my ATAR will still be low under 50 because once a teacher said yes it is possible even if you do good that an atar under 50 could be achieved. Aswell ive recieved 0's for some assesment tasks for my phone ringing before the exam beginning my school has really destroyed me because of that and they have tried to do it in multiple exams I always fight back to the end to get my mark and the deputy principals reject and sometimes my teachers secretly disagree and tell me dont worry ill keep your mark the way it is.
E.g. My half yearlys I recieved 0 for my english because my phone rang before the exam started.
Another exam which I scored 96 in IPT they gave me 0 because the voice control thing in my iphone happend to speak while a teacher walked past ive learned never to take my phone to an exam again but these 0's have completely destroyed me.
Im doing topics such as :
- Arabic - English (stndrd) - Math 2unit - Ipt (info process tech) - Physics
I don't know what to do Im really stressed out ive had a hard year id like to know weather at least an atar of 50/60 is possible if I get band 4's for my exams this year.


Retired Sept '14
Jan 30, 2009
The Fires of Mordor
Uni Grad
Ranks and school rank?

But yes I'd say it's still possible, an ATAR of 50 can easily be gotten with good external performance even if your internal drags it down stacks.

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