Not off my head.
Who's got my chart? My catholic chart?
Never mind i'll pull it out of here
60% of US marriages last a lifetime, while only 10% of cohabiting couples last over 5yrs: Elizabeth Scott: World wo Marriage 2007 Family Law Quarterly.
It's rather clear that cohabiting rels are less stable than marriage because they dont have the imported social norms. Marriage yeilds less infidelity and family violence and more satisfaction (Krause: Marriage for the new millenium). Also offers financial protection to dependant family members, because there is a social expectation to care for wife and children - it protects the partner who does unpaid family work (dont make me find the stats on women doing most unpaid work at the expense of their employability), rather than expecting the government to provide, say, childcare or pensions: Scott.
So wife and children are vulnerable. The higher breakdown rate of cohabiting rels means that they will turn to the state sooner