Preliminary Subject Selections (2 Viewers)


Nov 18, 2014
I don't think I'm a very business-y person, but I will definitely consider them when we are given the sheet that tells us our lines.
Top 3 is great, good on you!

Hmmm. Can you explain more about Eng ext 1 please?

Oh it's not that I'm not allowed -- I was just advised against doing both. I'm not too sure why though!
Ah! Okay :) Well you picked Legal Studies and usually I would assume a person would have an interest in Economics and Business as well.

English Advanced itself involves more unknown texts and requires related texts --> therefore, you can never really prepare an essay and be guaranteed a 14 - 15/15 as you would in Year 7 - 10, and thats what separates a lot of people from the gifted and natural essay writers! Now for English Extension, that is further amplified, things they wanted you to do in Year 7 - 10, is now a thing they don't want you to do. They actually want you to write like a human, not someone who is exaggerating in vocab (for example) and trying to scrape marks with over-the-top language in creative writing, its a little weird. I found it really uncomfortable. And as a use-to-love-English-because-of-full-mark-essays person, I eventually turned to find English Extension 1 really difficult to even bother with, and for the HSC, I'll be dropping and instead working on coming Top 5 for English Advanced.

BUT don't let my experience burn you down. I am definitely one of the cases that didn't work out as well, there are PLENTY of people who enjoy English Extension 1/2. I just ended up not being that person even though I thought I really really loved English Advanced in Year 10.

Ah! Well, it is a little weird, I've never seen someone sign up for BOTH Ancient and Modern. It was usually one or the other. But too be honest, even if a teacher advises you, it doesn't stop you, so it doesn't matter!

Best of luck with picking your subjects :) Be mindful that you really can't drop them after you hit the Term 2 mark!


New Member
Dec 17, 2014
Extension English is amazing!! Way better than advanced to be honest

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New Member
May 27, 2015
Just keep in mind that if you were brilliant in English in Year 10, don't feel disheartened if you are merely average in Advanced. The jump for Year 10 to Year 11 was quite annoying.
Extension English is pretty time-consuming, so you should be wary if you have some EC on the side.
Also- with the decision to drop a subject. I would say wait until the mid-way of Year 11 to drop a subject, since I've witnessed many friends who dropped too early and suddenly regret it because their remaining subjects became intolerable.
Yikes, that sounds pretty iffy. :\

Thank you - I will definitely keep that in mind!


Active Member
Oct 12, 2014
Extension English is amazing!! Way better than advanced to be honest
Yeah so I heard. But it also requires a lot of effort too.

Keep in mind that the people doing advanced english (mostly) are people who did well in year 9-10. So basically you're competing against those that are already great! I myself found that leap hard to adjust to at first, but now I'm coping- thankfully.


New Member
May 27, 2015
Ah! Okay :) Well you picked Legal Studies and usually I would assume a person would have an interest in Economics and Business as well.

English Advanced itself involves more unknown texts and requires related texts --> therefore, you can never really prepare an essay and be guaranteed a 14 - 15/15 as you would in Year 7 - 10, and thats what separates a lot of people from the gifted and natural essay writers! Now for English Extension, that is further amplified, things they wanted you to do in Year 7 - 10, is now a thing they don't want you to do. They actually want you to write like a human, not someone who is exaggerating in vocab (for example) and trying to scrape marks with over-the-top language in creative writing, its a little weird. I found it really uncomfortable. And as a use-to-love-English-because-of-full-mark-essays person, I eventually turned to find English Extension 1 really difficult to even bother with, and for the HSC, I'll be dropping and instead working on coming Top 5 for English Advanced.

BUT don't let my experience burn you down. I am definitely one of the cases that didn't work out as well, there are PLENTY of people who enjoy English Extension 1/2. I just ended up not being that person even though I thought I really really loved English Advanced in Year 10.

Ah! Well, it is a little weird, I've never seen someone sign up for BOTH Ancient and Modern. It was usually one or the other. But too be honest, even if a teacher advises you, it doesn't stop you, so it doesn't matter!

Best of luck with picking your subjects :) Be mindful that you really can't drop them after you hit the Term 2 mark!
Hmm. Creative writing isn't really my forte - I usually get so overwhelmed by my ideas that I just can't do it at all. (If i do it's usually really bad and not up to standard).
Well I'm glad you figured out what's best for you! I will try it out and see how I go, but I'm doing pretty well in English at the moment. I have a great teacher and the level of difficulty isn't too bad, so I'm really hoping extension won't be a huuge jump compared to yr 10.

I know Modern scales higher - should I choose it over Ancient?

Thank you so much for your lovely insights! And thanks for the heads up!


Nov 18, 2014
If you're an English/humanities based person, why are you doing Extension 1 Maths?
Maybe because...they are great at Maths but even better in Social Sciences?

That's me too, my love for Social Science is shown in my choices: Eng Adv/Ext 1 + Economics + Business Studies, but I still do Mathematics Extension 1 and Physics!

Extension English is amazing!! Way better than advanced to be honest

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Oh lord...You can have all my English Extension 1 classes. I'm getting to drop in the start of Term 4 LOL


New Member
Dec 17, 2014
Maybe because...they are great at Maths but even better in Social Sciences?

That's me too, my love for Social Science is shown in my choices: Eng Adv/Ext 1 + Economics + Business Studies, but I still do Mathematics Extension 1 and Physics!

Oh lord...You can have all my English Extension 1 classes. I'm getting to drop in the start of Term 4 LOL
I think it's amazing [emoji76]

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Nov 18, 2014
Hmm. Creative writing isn't really my forte - I usually get so overwhelmed by my ideas that I just can't do it at all. (If i do it's usually really bad and not up to standard).
Well I'm glad you figured out what's best for you! I will try it out and see how I go, but I'm doing pretty well in English at the moment. I have a great teacher and the level of difficulty isn't too bad, so I'm really hoping extension won't be a huuge jump compared to yr 10.

I know Modern scales higher - should I choose it over Ancient?

Thank you so much for your lovely insights! And thanks for the heads up!
Well English Extension 1 is 50% Essay and 50% Creative :)!

Yeah, I was in the same position as you when I was in Year 10, I had an amazing teacher and I was top of English Advanced, but yeah. Try it out!

In general, Year 11 is a big step from Year 10 - for all subjects!

Well I think the best way to decide Mod or Anc is by answering these question:
1. Which one do you find more interesting?
2. Which do you think you'll be better at?

Scaling doesn't matter if you do well in both :)!

I think it's amazing [emoji76]

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Thats good ^^ I think the time I have used in English Extension will be better used in my other subjects once I drop :D


Active Member
Apr 23, 2014
I'm totally with you -- I have been like this since forever too! But primary was a breeze, I don't even know why I stressed out for that. good luck on english today!
I'll admit it has honestly never crossed my mind to make notes throughout the term. Until I read what you posted and I was like, 'wow, how did i not think of this?'
I feel like with the BoS forum, all the resources I need are already here but I'm afraid that I won't use it to my advantage and still continue with bad habits.

Oh wow ... damn. Yeah I get what you mean, trying to keep your eyes open and knowing that you may have missed something because you didn't get enough sleep. Well at least you passed! If you usually get high marks and get a really bad one in a test in yr 12, does it drag your marks down dramatically?

I'm so relieved the holidays are soon -- are you going to use that time to catch up on your notes? Good luck on your trials btw! (you won't need it though, because you're definitely going to study and NOT procrastinate!)

Also, how are you finding modern and bio? I was told modern is pretty intense. And although I'm genuinely interested in science, I haven't really had a good learning experience so the foundation of my basic knowledge is pretty crappy. I don't want to regret not choosing any sciences though.
Um well put it this way, I did so badly in all my first assessments on year 12 (around 60-70%) and now I'm achieving in the 80s and 90s (apart from english, my highest was 77%). At the moment my averages are in the 70s to 80s for most subjects (except english which is in the 60s :( )
Hopefully in the next couple of assessment tasks/trials I do well and pull up my avg and ranks.
Don't worry about that too much though. If you're prepared you shouldn't do too badly. I was so unprepared for my first lot of assessment tasks hence why I didn't do as well as I know I could have.

I am SO relieved for holidays as well. This week was so hectic. such poor quality sleep and too much stress *sigh* I don't think I've ever worked so hard in my life hahah. can't wait for next week to be over~~~~

Modern and bio are pretty good. Biology can be a bit bleak (depending on teacher) but it can also be really interesting. I just finished the search for better health module. Cool stuff. It's pretty much rote learning though and its a fairly easy subject.
Modern is great. If you are well organised and keep up with all the work you'll do fine. The topics we did are really interesting - WWI is the core which everyone does, and we did Germany 1918-1939, Leni Riefenstahl and we are currently working on Conflict in Europe 1035-1945.
Bio and Modern are actually my favourite subjects :3

haha and thank you :p I think I'm going to need to live at my local library for the next few months since I actually get stuff done there :')
Jun 19, 2015
Hey I am a year 11/12 tutor and can assist you through to the end of year 12

Whats on offer
- Private tuition and coaching
- Draft Reading
- Complete access to a large pool of quality notes and resources
- 24/7 communication and email assist
- assistance with subject selection

PM if interested.


Nov 18, 2014
Hey I am a year 11/12 tutor and can assist you through to the end of year 12

Whats on offer
- Private tuition and coaching
- Draft Reading
- Complete access to a large pool of quality notes and resources
- 24/7 communication and email assist
- assistance with subject selection

PM if interested.
Maybe set up a thread offering your services rather than copy and pasting onto threads discussing about something completely different :)
Jun 19, 2015
well its not completely different at all, considering this is a thread about Preliminary Subject Selections. I am offering services which include assistance with subject selection. Maybe you could set up a threat where you can vent your unwanted criticism of other peoples posts.


Nov 2, 2014
Wow, good job on your Economics mark!
That was really helpful. How did you find the transition from yr 10 to 11?
yea good question,
tbh i think i was well prepared for the transition from year 10 to 11 only because the people who i talked to ALL advised me to get ready for the workload. By the end of year 10 in the holidays, i spent nearly a whole week searching through bored of studies for year 11 tips and some examples of life in year 11, and tbh even though many ppl say its hard or there is an immense amount of work, there actually isnt. If u can get prepared and have the right mindset towards senior studies, year 11 will actually become a breeze,and trust me, it will.
By this i mean, studying regularly, constant revision, getting feedback from your teacher (in eng for ex): all of these basic stuff will help you so much. Also, if u r planning to get tuition, its not a bad idea but i suggest u wait to see how hard/easy ur subjects are.
And once ur in yr 11, u will automatically get used to the senior school routine, so tbh dont worry now. If ur in year 10 now, relax all u can now, get some sleep (trust me u will miss this next year) and start going to different threads on bored of studies to see where u may go wrong.


New Member
Sep 7, 2015
if you have a death wish definitely DO NOT do legal :) also i did extension eng but i dropped it because wayyyy too much work load but the syllabus was so interesting. Please only do subjects you are not only interested in but also are good at because right now im literally hating my life and all my subjects


Active Member
May 25, 2015
Syd naenae
if you have a death wish definitely DO NOT do legal :) also i did extension eng but i dropped it because wayyyy too much work load but the syllabus was so interesting. Please only do subjects you are not only interested in but also are good at because right now im literally hating my life and all my subjects
but legal studies is easy....

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