i used to be really irregular (only 3 or 4 periods per year at one stage)..it was annoying but not that bad (no bloody worries during school), though the pain wasnt that great
i had a scare mid last month. i'd just started fooling round (unprotected) with my bf, and was 2 weeks late. i saw my doctor (after lots of procrastination), turned out to be negative, and promptly went on the pill. it worked out that i skipped that one (just didnt come)...so glad that i'm on the pill now, not worries and lots of fun
ps. i'm currently a day ahead on my pill, caus i lost an active one, so the chemist said to just take the next day's one (ie. i take the one marked wed on tues, etc). does anyone know, when i finish this month, do i just take an extra non-active one when i start next month's sheet (to put me back on the right day) or should i just stay a day ahead?