elefdee said:
After all a guy who roots around is a hero...a girl is simply a slut. Not my point of veiw...societies.hhmmm one that is ruled by men??
Fuck off, you are just a sexist bitch.
Don't blame this on society.
You are a female chauvanist.
How do women get pregnant, darling?
Isn't it through utilising male sperm?
So do you have the right to then just destroy the baby without consulting the father of the child?
Women want the right to have sex but not the responsibilities that go with it. You don't have the right to be a slut and fuck whoever you want, whenever you want.
The fact that you even suggested "but men do it" as a valid excuse was pitiful. Those "men" are only allowed to do it because of women who either have accepted the risk of pregnancy or are completely unawares of their surroundings (ie blondes).