Prefect / Vice / Captain (1 Viewer)

What you get?

  • Captain

    Votes: 11 15.5%
  • Vice Captain

    Votes: 10 14.1%
  • Prefect

    Votes: 15 21.1%
  • Didnt get it :(

    Votes: 8 11.3%
  • Didnt go for it!

    Votes: 27 38.0%

  • Total voters


Active Member
Dec 20, 2002
It's just a title that was sought out.

You'll rarely see Captains who are deserving of that position (my opinion). :)


Living on deficit
Mar 10, 2003
Around the globe
Originally posted by Huy
Hey sugary, I was in the Executive too! :) but I wasn't Senior Prefect.

My school:

1st School Captain
2nd School Vice Captain
3rd Senior Prefect
4th Administration Prefect
5th Sports Captain

6th to 30th - Normal prefects
31st to 160 or something - Normal Year 12 students

I was the Admin Prefect, but the workload was much more than Senior Prefect.

LOL! My badge was free too, but if we were in the Student Executive, we were also "automatically" in the SRC - and got another badge.

Just a bit of a prank, *innocent* :)
LOL! Huy you are so funny :)

Aww... Administration Prefect- the title sounds soooo good! For us, the student executives (prefects) are like that
1. Captains
2. Vice captains
3. Senior Prefects

What did you do as an Admin Prefect?

We have a different set of executives for student Council.
and the SRC automantic-ism applies in my school too. :) Just that we have to kinda keep it low key (i think even confidential) ;)


Active Member
Dec 20, 2002
Originally posted by sugaryblue
LOL! Huy you are so funny :)

Aww... Administration Prefect- the title sounds soooo good! For us, the student executives (prefects) are like that
1. Captains
2. Vice captains
3. Senior Prefects

What did you do as an Admin Prefect?

We have a different set of executives for student Council.
and the SRC automantic-ism applies in my school too. :) Just that we have to kinda keep it low key (i think even confidential) ;)
Hehe thanks! :D
I know, it's the longest title there but no one really knows what he does, LOL! (Or rather, what he does, goes unnoticed and is more of a 'behind the scenes' role/position). That's a good question, "what do I do?" LOL - essentially: nothing, but really I do a lot (or make it sound like I'm doing a lot/complicated stuff).

Before the outgoing Student Executive left, during the time that last year's Year 12 were having trials and HSC exams, I was just in charge of compiling a list of prefects (excel spreadsheets) and databases (Microsoft access), basically formulating a roster for Canteen duties, letting the Senior Prefect know who is on what day, who to chase up, etc. Then I had to do other schedules, rolls and rosters like the Uniform Checking lists (which is basically the same as the Canteen and Library Supervision roster, but it was hard to do because some kids had to catch a bus home, some had sports training, other commitments so I had to factor all of that in, when trying to make a list of 3 rosters). It was also made more difficult because, being me, I group people according to who they prefer to hang out with/work with in the Canteen, Uniform "monitoring" and Library "patrols" - so I made sure people were with their friends, at the same time, without putting "enemies" on the same shift/times. Hehehe.

But the bulk of my work revolves around (unpaid) typing. I'd type up a lot of things for the teachers, whatever it is, a letter, liturgy/mass booklet responses, report comments, other stuff, etc. When it came to reports and teachers comments, the teachers would be looking at some kid's profile and photo and I'd be typing up the comments that you see appear in the reports. I worked with File Maker Pro and most of the comments are automatically inserted (changing the names :p) - but you do find the "nice" teachers who bother to write their own personal/unique comments about a student. I entered marks (and no, I didn't "rort the system") because I wasn't really privileged to that 'sensitive' info/data, but more or less I read out marks and double-checked things with the Coordinator(s).

Other tasks included being on the SRC, as you already know, which meant that I had to attend all SRC meetings, create agendas and keep track of the minutes (more typing, more writing, more planning). Each fortnight I'd be with the Vice Captain (who chairs the SRC) and we'd make an agenda, but before any of this could happen - I spent a while in Word and PageMaker creating templates for the Minutes and any documents/sheets, the Agendas (both Executive Staff Meetings and Student Representative Council Meetings), as well as other things like Brainstorming Sessions, Sign-in sheets, Rosters and so on - all with their own unique school logo, headers, footers, letterheads and the rest. Personalised fonts, contact details at the bottom (like a business letter with Fax, Monastery and Secretary contact details, all included on my publications/sheets). It looked 'professional' rather than just slapping together a list of dot points to be addressed, but we had the school logo/crest, a letterhead, it basically looks like the envelope on the previous page, but was "fancied up".

Towards the end of the year and during the mass/liturgies, I'd help in creating things like the mass booklets (which is, again, more typing) - but I skipped sports lessons and got to talk with teachers, hung out in their offices, did some typing work and created the responses, prayers of the faithful/offerings and that sort of thing.

The biggest task in my role had been the creation of the Yearbook, from nothing, to what it has become. So I fired up Adobe PageMaker, Illustrator and Photoshop and spent the weeks leading up to STUVAC (before the holidays, and before the HSC) creating the 200 page document (not really "by myself" but people tended to drop out of the Yearbook comittee because they weren't interested, and I couldn't leave because I was the only one there!), deciding layouts, collecting photos, creating collages, inserting pictures, text, formatting the document, streamlining the pages and generally putting together the document, helping with entering text (again, more typing) and scanning of photos, sorting, categorising, compiling and overall editing work - making everything 'ready' to be published for the formal night (and it was). I guess I do a lot of work, when I think about it, but it is perceived to be "bludgey" because everyone thinks that it is *miraculously* and magically all done, automatically by some unknown machine (well, I *do* have a name! :p). If you like to be around computers and you can be 'trusted' (cough cough LOL!), then this job is for you.

So from Term 3, 2002 - I was basically getting the prefects names, learning new names and making sure I can spell each student's name without having to check any other lists - this was hard during the Student Profiles (in the Yearbook), with 160+ kids, all having to censor and edit their profiles so that nothing obscene would slip through "the system" (okay, me and the principal, and the other people involved in censorship/getting the OK). But once all of the profiles were done, making sure everything was okay, it was just a simple matter of formatting, determining page layouts, planning and 'cut-paste' jobs (which was hard to do, on a one-button Mac mouse!). When students come up to you and the Head-Master (Prefect Master) came to you and wanted you to take someone off a roster, you had to do it - but making sure people know about any changes, ensuring that any changes do not conflict with other existing rosters (canteen, ITC/library, uniform checking) was pretty hard... because we only had 30 prefects, and the 5 executive members are not supposed to be on any roster (Hey, it's a perk! We have better badges and titles, but we're not supposed to "get our hands dirty" in the canteen or be stuck with library supervision or uniform checks... I still did them of course, along with one or two Exec. Members who were "just the same as you or I" (normal students).

The most laborious task of them all would have been the minutes taking, sitting there, making sure I record everything that was said, who said it, when they said it, who was present at the Staff (Executive) meetings and any apologies for those who didn't attend. After each SRC meeting I'd be asking for new ideas and proposals to be included on the next Agenda and that would be pretty much it. Getting up early in the morning to go to school, staying back for meetings and getting out of class to do other work (other than what YOU have to do as a student, and as a Prefect/Exec Member), was a tough job to juggle.

It's just a lot of typing, and if you don't have speedy fingers - you're not going to be successful in fulfilling this position. What does it all come down to? "Administration". :)

*shuts up now* :shy:
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Living on deficit
Mar 10, 2003
Around the globe
Originally posted by Huy
Hehe thanks! :D
I know, it's the longest title there but no one really knows what he does, LOL! (Or rather, what he does, goes unnoticed and is more of a 'behind the scenes' role/position). That's a good question, "what do I do?" LOL - essentially: nothing, but really I do a lot (or make it sound like I'm doing a lot/complicated stuff)....

Are you serious?? Oh wow, the stuff that you did, we have like Canteen volunteers, yearbook committee and formal committee and teachers entered the marks and comments themselves. and we have other executives specifically for the SRC.

For me my task was much simpler than yours! Just general duties, helping in the assembly, occassional short speeches (I only had to do it once) ... I mainly do uniform duties, being there and also when I was off, I usually just went and checked if people have turned up (this one is supposed to be done by vice. but usually there's always a PA annoucement saying 'so-and-so please come to uniform duty', which this I found really embarassing. So this captain and me were the two who usually just went and made sure someone's there issuing uniform passes, and filling in for those who had forgotten to turn up in order to save the embarrassement. I basically did things like all the other prefects do eg. Charity fundraising, sausage sizzle, orientation day, etc. and that's all.

But your position does sound really special! you got to type in Teacher's remarks?? and you got to be trusted to be in the executive staff meeting??

oh wow, you must KNOW and LEARN a lot about your school! and HOW did you compromise that with your 14units?


Active Member
Dec 20, 2002
Originally posted by sugaryblue
Are you serious?? Oh wow, the stuff that you did, we have like Canteen volunteers, yearbook committee and formal committee and teachers entered the marks and comments themselves. and we have other executives specifically for the SRC.
oh wow, you must KNOW and LEARN a lot about your school! and HOW did you compromise that with your 14units?
(Sorry, I just went to sleep for two hours and didn't read your post until now, two hours later).

Yep, I'm serious. Well we have Canteen volunteers (parents) too, but they just serve the students (we also have Prefects to serve juniors, but Prefects who are seniors, cannot serve seniors because of the "disappearing money" problem ;)). But you do find that seniors serve other seniors too, only a certain few though (because they are trusted, they don't rort the canteen, etc). Also, we've got cash registers in the canteen now (so everything gets recorded, tallied and what not). One prefect got caught stealing money and he had to be taken off the Cantee List/duty Roster by me (well, I was instructed/spoken to about it). So that made my life a little bit more complicated, re-doing the rosters, sorting the lists ALL over again, finding replacements who are willing to work on a particular day, during recess or lunch, who are not busy doing other things (because we do have other prefect duties and they have their own list), managed by me.

As for the Yearbook, it was pretty slack this year. Initially we had about 15 students sign up (well, the teacher was "good looking" and feminine, and we attended an all-male school, you can work that one out ;)). But towards the end, all of the reports and text were handed in on CDs and disks, some of them were corrupt and didn't work, which means I had to re-type them (they handed in crap disks so it wasn't my fault that they couldn't be read on a PC and Mac). By the time we were approaching STUVAC and the "final days of Year 12" - we hadn't even started! The formal was in approx. 3-4 weeks and I *really* did not want to come into school to start/finish during the holidays, during STUVAC and before the first english exam paper! So a few days before we finished Year 12 I got together with Miss and we started doing our planning, layouts, number of pages, templates, working out where to put things, how we're going to store things, the system (Macintosh G4) and so on. So right up until we graduated on the thursday or friday night, I stayed back at school until 5.45pm, ran home (I live about 15 mins away) and took a quick shower, got changed and ran back to school to do more Yearbook work (it was mostly typing, editing work, and the copying/pasting job, inserting pictures, finding things to slot in, etc) and before I knew it, I had to be at church for our graduation ceremony/mass - which meant I had to run to the other corner of the block (school is on 1 corner, on the oppposite corner we have the local Parish Church).

But the marks and teachers comments, *some* would rather do it themselves, like you know I wouldn't be able to write what I would see on my OWN report, or be able to see who got what marks in the trial, etc *for Year 12* (since I am in Year 12, I'm not allowed to look at what gets reported to other Year 12 students - my peers, teachers comments about their performance, their opinions of Year 12 kids, which kids they don't like/hate, LOL... it's because I'm in Year 12, writing about Year 12 that causes trouble/problems). About the SRC, it's just 2 representatives from Years 7 to 11, (we also have 2 from Year 12), but the SRC is headed by the Student Executive (the top 5). Everything is really run by two members: myself the Admin Prefect and my friend who is the Vice Captain (he starts proceedings, chairs the meetings and has "control"). I just sit by his side, mention things, take the minutes, write things down and generally "oversee" proceedings. We (the Executive) also helped out with Assemblies, but "not in detail or depth" - each morning we would say the morning Prayers (school prayer) over the P.A. system - which sucks because on a cold morning or if I didn't get enough sleep, I sound really bad, especially when over 1000 people are hearing your crappy voice in each room/building, LOL! :shy:

At assemblies, we just sit at the very front/top of the stage and 'be role models/leaders' - we say the prayers there too, because that's what we do... just to start off the assembly, we lead in Prayer, saying one paragraph each and stuff (in front of the whole school). You get recognised and kids come up to you and know who you are, etc. which is nice. :) I also help out with uniform duties because really *no one else wants to do it* - because I don't live "too far" away from school, I don't mind if I'm 10-20 minutes late. We just stay back until about 3.30 to 3.40pm, making sure everyone who leaves the school gates has their tie on, shirt tucked in, collar fixed, general Uniform stuff (making sure it's all there, if not then you record their names in the book and ask them, pull them aside, etc). Heheh it was pretty fun! The Senior Prefect at my school did most of the things you did, I guess. I just post the rosters, he looks at the list for a given day, and he goes around and is basically "in charge" of the Prefects - Senior Prefect. He is the one who has to look for prefects and makes sure people show up to their jobs/rostered task, uniform checks, etc.

Well, my position is special, but it's a "shared" kind of special - between all members of the Executive. We (the Executive) have a good relationship with the teachers and between the 5 of us, we get along well, no quarrels or problems with any other member (although there had been a bit of tension between the Captain and myself, a long time ago hehe). Yep, I got to type in teachers remarks and comments - but they were all the same really. The system worked on "what the student scored" in their report - because you can't really say nice things, if he only got 40% (for example). So the teachers just look at the monitor, which has the student's school photo/portrait just to remind them of who the kid is (ehehhe sometimes they don't know, because the kid is too quiet or doesnt talk) - but immediately, the "trouble makers" of the class are identified. I just did years 7-9 really, nothing "senior" because that would conflict with my interests hehehe. So basically I clicked all the grades (they are automatic drop down menus) and the teacher just says "Yep, put Good for all of this, I really like this kid - Excellent, hmm he didn't really do well here, make it Improvement Needed" or something. :)

When I talk about the Executive/Staff Meetings - it revolves around the "high level" (as I call it) Executive Members of Staff. These include: Principal, Assistant (deputy) principals, curriculum coordinator, Religious Education Coordinator (REC), Special Operations Coordinator and that's pretty much it (I hope I haven't left anyone out), but we did have other members of staff join the Executive meetings. The Student Executive are entrusted with lots of things, because what gets said, the principal makes sure doesn't get said again, like if it's really important or a special announcement, it would be the unspoken rule of "don't tell all the other kids or your friends, before the Principal officially talks about it at an assembly" (hehe, which means: don't spoil it and "leak" information to all the students before the Principal even gets a chance to tell the school/other staff members).

Yep, I know and learn a lot about the school, how it works, who does what, which teachers don't like which teachers, who to avoid (because they might just keep you there and talk, and talk, and talk to you for ages, LOL). But as you have noted, handling 14U with the role of a Student Exec. member was really hard, but not impossible. What does that mean for my schooling/education? we'll see next week! HSC marks/UAI release ;) I think that it did have a minor role in influencing my marks, I mean... I'm not losing 50% of my marks in every subject I do, just because I help out whenever I can, or am asked to do other things that "normal" students would not do. I manage :) - I guess my only quarrel would be: waking up early in the morning sometimes, to attend Staff/Exec. Meetings, which begin at about 7.30am or 8am, and finishes when the bell rings at 8.45am, so they're not really long.. we do go overtime but it's not my fault, LOL - I don't really say much, unless I have comments about computers or technology, if teachers ask for "IT" stuff then I guess I answer and have my two cents worth on the issue, but I'm the "sit there, shut up" type hehehe :shy: - getting up early for 4U English would be annoying too, because I would have to find a balance between my jobs at school, with my own studies and my commmitment to 4U lessons (because I have no study periods, I have to stay back afterschool until around 4.30pm to 5pm to talk about my Extension 2 Major Work, whereas other kids who do 4U get to talk about their works during their free study periods or whenever they can, most 4U students are not prefects, but about 2-3 who do Extension 2 are prefects). So that is my only beef - waking up early, going to Extension 2 meetings (that begin at 8am to when the bell rings), and having to stay back afterschool to do more Extension-2 work and discussions with my teacher (same teacher as Extension 1 Eng, and also the Curriculum coordinator, and the main teacher who runs the SRC, so I guess I have a really good relationship with him).

*shuts up again*

Fixed up one typo, re-read my post. :shy:
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Active Member
Sep 21, 2003
The Hills
you have so many prefects in your school must be pretty large..and i though my school of 1154 was large enough

all we had were vice captain and school captains..
and mainly the people voted into those positions either produce really humous speeches,or are just 'popular'!
but then again ours just compromises of a src which is basically 4 people per grade to voice opinion, but they do jack crap!
but still.. i wish i was in the src...too shy!
however i am a multicultral support leader.. position was to sort out students within our school.. no matter what nationality.. and create some kind of united club where we would just organise excursions food days etc.. it was heaps fun... but this year.. i neglected my position.. (which was to make sure everyone one was err.. how could you say...content~! and also to organise food days) so basically the whole club kinda crumbled..but then again.. everyone was being preoccupied with studying for the HSC, plus the leaders kept having arguments about stuff.. abit of a turn off.. and a large headarche might i add!

edit: bit'o grammar
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Active Member
Dec 20, 2002
Originally posted by MoNNiE
you have so many prefects in your school must be pretty large..and i though my school of 1154 was large enough
I don't think it's anything like the Private/Selective schools out there!

We just have 30 Prefects, I don't think it's a large number, but I can't remember all 30 off the top of my head. If it were half that number, it would be more manageable, however there are occasions when we do call for more students (outside of the Prefect Body) to assist and help with functions and special days (fundraisers, events, etc) - most of the time the full team lend a hand be it through supervision, time-keepers (athletics, swimming carnivals), directing traffic, helping out with catering (walking around with plates and serving teachers, grabbing free drinks/food hehe) :) - It's not that large, I don't think... but I guess it is pretty big (I don't know how it compares to other schools, or the "top" schools), we have about 1200 kids? Years 7-12. :)

I've just realised that my last few posts in this thread, would have been enough for a complete assessment. LOL :shy:


Active Member
Sep 21, 2003
The Hills
Originally posted by Huy

I've just realised that my last few posts in this thread, would have been enough for a complete assessment. LOL :shy: [/B]
lol i would think so by the look of things huy! :D


Active Member
Dec 20, 2002
Originally posted by MoNNiE
lol i would think so by the look of things huy! :D
In that case, it's a good thing you don't visit the IPT forums! :D

PS, don't visit the IPT forums now that I've said it! :p


Active Member
Sep 21, 2003
The Hills
i actually do..!
you write/type so much.. it's like you live in BoS!


Active Member
Dec 20, 2002
Originally posted by MoNNiE
i actually do..!
you write/type so much.. it's like you live in BoS!
D'oh! I don't recall ever seeing your nickname there (IPT forum). Don't I look silly now :eek: I concede that I type a lot, but equally, I write a lot in real life, so it balances out (it just takes more 'effort' to be handwriting than punching keys on a keyboard).

"When I grow up, I want to get married to BOS and make babies with BOS" :uhoh: :read: (Note: I'm not serious).


Active Member
Sep 21, 2003
The Hills
nah i just browse!..and write in the games section... i would write in there.. but then.. i would find myself rather lost in the convos being submitted through


Active Member
Dec 20, 2002

Are you talking about IT Stuff, or Information Processes & Technology (HSC course)? The 'Games' section belongs to the IT Stuff forum. :)

I think you browse the IPT forum, and post in the Games section (belonging to IT Stuff).

You would write in IPT, but you'd be lost in the conversation. No? :)


Active Member
Sep 21, 2003
The Hills
oh dear!
i would never step one foot into information process & technology!
i stay in IT stuff forum...! never never never... will i go into IPT...evil course!
i must of miss read what you've been writing!


Active Member
Dec 20, 2002
Originally posted by MoNNiE
oh dear!
i would never step one foot into information process & technology!
i stay in IT stuff forum...! never never never... will i go into IPT...evil course!
i must of miss read what you've been writing!
LOL! That's okay.

One of the social and ethical issues of IPT concern the dangers of misinterpretation (of messages) over the Internet. But I'll be quiet about that hehehe!

Both forums aren't a bad place, but upon the arrival of 2004 students, I'm going to make a bolt for the door (out of the IPT forum). I'll probably make my way back because they (class of 2004) need some guidance, poor souls! :D


Active Member
Sep 21, 2003
The Hills
Originally posted by Huy
I'll probably make my way back because they (class of 2004) need some guidance, poor souls! :D [/B]
arn't you a humble being :) i would probably do the same for engineering studies.. god knows why!


Nov 7, 2003
Somewhere over the rainbow
wow huy u have alot of spare time
ill be sure to see ur schools yearbook when it comes out.. i have connections to ur school (unfortunately)
lol i cant believe u perve on teachers..
i guess it wouldnt apply to my school cuz they r all old.. the only young teachers r chicks


Active Member
Dec 20, 2002
Originally posted by cro_angel
wow huy u have alot of spare time ...the only young teachers r chicks
How do you figure? (and young teacher chicks hey? *gets ideas* :p)

Yeah, the yearbook isn't that bad... considering it was put together in less than a week. Hey, what's so unfortunate about having connections to my school? I was at school last night and it seemed okay (two awards and a trophy, what more can you ask for!) - perving on teachers is commonplace if you're attending a single-sex school, so you can't help but sneak a peek at the feminine teachers! :shy:


Nov 7, 2003
Somewhere over the rainbow
well the only guys i know from ur school are assholes.. so it gives me an overall impression of the school
we have like quite a few guy teachers but they are all over 30.. so depressing


Active Member
Dec 20, 2002
Originally posted by cro_angel
well the only guys i know from ur school are assholes.. so it gives me an overall impression of the school
we have like quite a few guy teachers but they are all over 30.. so depressing
What school are you from? If you don't mind my asking. :) It'd around the Fairfield Area.

Well, it depends on who you know from my school - because some are 'cool' (to me) and there are a few 'assholes' (as you've put it), but they are normally nice to me anyway. I don't know which people you're referring to, but maybe that's different if they don't know you personally, or something... (I'm not making excuses for their behaviour). But I guess I can see why you don't like me/my school, because of past experiences - I'll try to change that (bad) impression. :)

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