PIP Survey - What drives females to be females? (1 Viewer)

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New Member
Oct 11, 2007
What drives females to be females?
It talks about people's perspective on the roles of females within today's society and what influences females to make these decisions in life.​

Male / Female

Age : 12 - 18
19 - 25
26 - 32
33 - 39

1. Rank in order which of these characteristics best define a female:
Stay at home
Can Cook
Can do chores (housework)
Same as males, rights and roles, just different gender

2. What role as a female would you choose ? (question for females only)
Stay at home mom
Career driven

3. Which family structure do you live in?
Nuclear Family (parents and children)
Single Parent Family
Extended Family (parents and children, relatives)
De Facto (parents (not married but living together) and children)

4. How many children are there in your family?
1 2 3 4 5+

5. Do you know any of these influential women listed below?Yes / No
- Hilary Clinton - Julia Gillard - Angelina Jolie - Oprah Winfrey

6. Do they influence you? Yes / No

7. Do you know any high powered women? Yes / No

8. What is your mother’s role in your family?
Stay at home mom
Working mother
Sole income earner

9. Do you think with the position of your mother at home it has influenced your view on female roles? Yes / No

10. Do you think the traditional roles of females (stay at home mothers) still influence females today? Yes / No

11. What is your father’s role in your family?
Stay at home dad
Working dad
Breadwinner (sole income earner of the family)

12. Do you think with the position of your parent at home, it has influenced your views on gender roles?
Yes / No

13. What factors do you think have influenced your views on female roles?
Society’s expectation
Others: ______________________________

15. Do you think women’s status in society is equal to men? Yes / No

16. Why do / don’t you think women‘s status in society is equal to men? ______________________________________________________________

17. What role would you prefer a female to take on?
Stay at home housewife
Career driven female
Balance between home and work

Thank You for your participation, it is very much appreciated!

If there is any questions or if you like to keep your answers confidential you can PM me.

The deadline for this survey is on the 30th April.
Last edited:


Dec 7, 2007
Gender: Female

Age : 12 - 18

1. Rank in order which of these characteristics best define a female:
Mother 2
Stay at home 3
Can Cook 3
Can do chores (housework) 3
Same as males, rights and roles, just different gender 1.
I'm aware that I have 3 threes. I think the other three are not exclusive to females in the least, and therefore can't define them

2. What role as a female would you choose ? (question for females only)
Stay at home mom
Career driven
None of the above. It's possible to have both kids and a job, and that's what intend to do. I'll be damned if having kids is going to make me totally dependent on someone else for money to feed said children/myself

3. Which family structure do you live in?
Nuclear Family (parents and children)

4. How many children are there in your family?

5. Do you know any of these influential women listed below?
- Hilary Clinton - Julia Gillard - Angelina Jolie - Oprah Winfrey
Know of all of them

6. Do they influence you? Well, Angelina Jolie influences my choice of movies (can't say I'm a big fan), but other than that, not really.

7. Do you know any high powered women? Not really. I know women with positions of authority (eg my school prinicpal), but they're not really high powered.

8. What is your mother's role in your family?
Sole income earner (and obviously working mother)

9. Do you think with the position of your mother at home it has influenced your view on female roles? Yes. I've never been able to see any logical reason why women shouldn't be able to work and support their families, because it's always seemed totally normal to me.

10. Do you think the traditional roles of females (stay at home mothers) still influence females today? Not really. Some women do it, but there are so many women who work, despite having kids. Or even instead of having kids.

11. What is your father's role in your family?
Stay at home dad

12. Do you think with the position of your parent at home, it has influenced your views on gender roles? Definitely. At the age of 6, I corrected my teacher when she talked about mums coming to pick us, because my dad did it. Dad's always done the washing and cleaning, and some of the cooking, and there's never really been a gender role issue in our family. My mum is also in the somewhat controversial position of being a female minister, which has influenced me a lot when it comes to some of the sexist crap churches spout.

13. What factors do you think have influenced your views on female roles?
Beliefs - because of the way my family works, I've never really had any reason to believe that there's stuff females can't do.

15. Do you think women's status in society is equal to men? No

16. Why do / don't you think women's status in society is equal to men?
There are still lots of ideas from previous eras about gender roles, which are gradually dying out, but there are still people my age who think that a woman's place is in the kitchen (not too many though). Also, because of the prejudices that have existed in the past, women still have a fair bit of work to do to catch up to men. There's also cultural things, like Islam, where women are pretty much viewed as objects, and mormanism (I think) where it's perfectly normal for a guy to have 2 or 3 wives.

17. What role would you prefer a female to take on?
Stay at home housewife
Career driven female
Balance between home and work
Any of the above. It depends what they want to do. Some females love the idea of being a stay at home mum, others can't stand the idea of kids or a family of any sort. There's no reason why anyone should have to conform to anyone else's standards


Just ask for help
Jun 26, 2006
What drives females to be females?
It talks about people's perspective on the roles of females within today's society and what influences females to make these decisions in life.​


Age : 33 - 39

1. Rank in order which of these characteristics best define a female:
1. Mother
Stay at home (not defining)
Can Cook (not defining)
Can do chores (housework) (not defining)
2. Same as males, rights and roles, just different gender
3. Physical strength
4. Mental strength
5. Ability to multi-task

2. What role as a female would you choose ? (question for females only)
Stay at home mum

3. Which family structure do you live in?
Nuclear Family (parents and children)

4. How many children are there in your family?

5. Do you know any of these influential women listed below?Yes / No
- Hilary Clinton - Julia Gillard - Angelina Jolie - Oprah Winfrey
Yes, all of them.

6. Do they influence you? No

7. Do you know any high powered women? Yes, my best friend from uni is an executive in a well-known aluminium company (one of the first few in Australia).

8. What is your mother’s role in your family?
Stay at home mum - quit her job when she had children

9. Do you think with the position of your mother at home it has influenced your view on female roles? Yes

10. Do you think the traditional roles of females (stay at home mothers) still influence females today? Yes - and also the realisation that being a mother is a full time job and to do it properly and to do enjoy your children, you need to be a full time mother.

11. What is your father’s role in your family?
Breadwinner (sole income earner of the family) - and my husband's role

12. Do you think with the position of your parent at home, it has influenced your views on gender roles?
Yes - and supported my views

13. What factors do you think have influenced your views on female roles?
Society’s expectation (damned if you do and damned if you don't - stay home, that is)
Beliefs - Christian values (see end of Proverbs)
Others: Self-expectation of achievement

15. Do you think women’s status in society is equal to men? No

16. Why do / don’t you think women‘s status in society is equal to men?

Women still don't get equal pay for equal work. It is still unusual to see women in the top jobs (eg Governor General, Prime Minister, CEO of multi-billion dollar companies), there are big fanfares whenever a woman does get a top job, women are still the ones who have the babies and need to take time off for that and get discriminated against because of it. There is still a stigma around certain jobs as being either male (engineering) or female (teaching/nursing). There is still a stigma around certain sports as being male (footy) or female (netball). People still say to me that I am wasting my talents and qualifications by being a stay at home mum - and yet my children benefit greatly from my education and so do the volunteer organisations that I do stuff for as well!

17. What role would you prefer a female to take on?

Balance between home and work - if it is at all possible, which it probably isn't.

OR stay at home mum who volunteers in the community at large.



Awesome Member
Mar 18, 2008
Beyond Godlike
What drives females to be females?
It talks about people's perspective on the roles of females within today's society and what influences females to make these decisions in life.

Male / Female

Age : 12 - 18 (15)
19 - 25
26 - 32
33 - 39

1. Rank in order which of these characteristics best define a female:
1.Can do chores (housework)

2.Can Cook
4.Stay at home
5.Same as males, rights and roles, just different gender

2. What role as a female would you choose ? (question for females only)
Stay at home mom
Career driven

3. Which family structure do you live in?
Nuclear Family (parents and children)
Single Parent Family
Extended Family (parents and children, relatives)
De Facto (parents (not married but living together) and children)

4. How many children are there in your family?
1 2 3 4 5+

5. Do you know any of these influential women listed below?Yes / No
- Hilary Clinton - Julia Gillard - Angelina Jolie - Oprah Winfrey

6. Do they influence you? Yes / No

7. Do you know any high powered women? Yes / No

8. What is your mother’s role in your family?
Stay at home mom
Working mother
Sole income earner

9. Do you think with the position of your mother at home it has influenced your view on female roles? Yes / No

10. Do you think the traditional roles of females (stay at home mothers) still influence females today? Yes / No

11. What is your father’s role in your family?
Stay at home dad
Working dad
Breadwinner (sole income earner of the family)

12. Do you think with the position of your parent at home, it has influenced your views on gender roles?
Yes / No

13. What factors do you think have influenced your views on female roles?
Society’s expectation
Others: Their tendancy to be good at horrible emo subjects like English, Languages and History rather than smart logical subjects like 4U math, Chemistry, Physics, and Economics. Their brains are structured totally different to males. Males are nowhere near as emo and suicidal and prone to depression. Also their obsession with their weight is absurd. Even if you eat a lot, if you use your brain you won't get fat. (see my sig)

Some are even so stupid, they chose buisness studies instead of economics even though their tutors and friends told them to chose economics because it scaled better and was dead easy. You would think they can't weigh advantages and disadvantages to come to a logical conclusion.

15. Do you think women’s status in society is equal to men? Yes / No

16. Why do / don’t you think women‘s status in society is equal to men? They are generally drawn to pathetic uni degrees like B.Arts or something equally as pathetic (such as shopping and getting their hair done and getting their nails done and buying makeup and dieting and weight control and fashion stuff), and they generally arn't as ambitious as men because they are way too empatheic and emotional.

Some women are even vegetarians because they don't want to eat dead animals! Only crazy people care about animal rights.

Some women also care about abortion! If they behave themselves, they wouldn't need abortion. Breeding like sewer rats isn't a good practice if they can't afford to raise the children. There should be a test that people need to pass before making babies. If the parent doesn't know how to, or can't afford to raise the children, then they shouldn't!

17. What role would you prefer a female to take on?
Stay at home housewife
Career driven female
Balance between home and work

Thank You for your participation, it is very much appreciated!

If there is any questions or if you like to keep your answers confidential you can PM me.

The deadline for this survey is on the 25th April.

Last edited:


Mar 6, 2008
Rouse Hill

Age : 12 - 18

1. Rank in order which of these characteristics best define a female:

Same as males, rights and roles, just different gender
Stay at home
Can do chores (housework)

Can Cook

3. Which family structure do you live in?
Nuclear Family (parents and children)

4. How many children are there in your family?

5. Do you know any of these influential women listed below?- Hilary Clinton - Julia Gillard - Angelina Jolie - Oprah Winfrey Yes to all

6. Do they influence you? No

7. Do you know any high powered women? Personally no

8. What is your mother’s role in your family?
Stay at home mom

9. Do you think with the position of your mother at home it has influenced your view on female roles? No

10. Do you think the traditional roles of females (stay at home mothers) still influence females today? No

11. What is your father’s role in your family?
Breadwinner (sole income earner of the family)

12. Do you think with the position of your parent at home, it has influenced your views on gender roles?

13. What factors do you think have influenced your views on female roles?
Others: Friends

15. Do you think women’s status in society is equal to men? No but it should be

16. Why do / don’t you think women‘s status in society is equal to men?
Men still look down at women (most do), there is not a whole lot of high powered women in society as a large proportion are stay at home mums or are doing it tough working a crappy long hour, low pay job which society looks down at. A lot of people still believe men are superior and should the highest status in society.

17. What role would you prefer a female to take on?
Balance between home and work (home should be shared equally between the female and male)



Oct 28, 2007
What drives females to be females?
It talks about people's perspective on the roles of females within today's society and what influences females to make these decisions in life.​

Male / Female

Age : 12 - 18
19 - 25
26 - 32
33 - 39

1. Rank in order which of these characteristics best define a female:
Mother 2
Stay at home 3
Can Cook 5
Can do chores (housework) 4
Same as males, rights and roles, just different gender 1

2. What role as a female would you choose ? (question for females only)
Stay at home mom
Career driven

3. Which family structure do you live in?
Nuclear Family (parents and children)
Single Parent Family
Extended Family (parents and children, relatives)
De Facto (parents (not married but living together) and children)

4. How many children are there in your family?
1 2 3 4 5+

5. Do you know any of these influential women listed below?Yes / No
- Hilary Clinton - Julia Gillard - Angelina Jolie - Oprah Winfrey

6. Do they influence you? Yes / No

7. Do you know any high powered women? Yes / No

8. What is your mother’s role in your family?
Stay at home mom
Working mother
Sole income earner

9. Do you think with the position of your mother at home it has influenced your view on female roles? Yes / No

10. Do you think the traditional roles of females (stay at home mothers) still influence females today? Yes / No

11. What is your father’s role in your family?
Stay at home dad
Working dad
Breadwinner (sole income earner of the family)

12. Do you think with the position of your parent at home, it has influenced your views on gender roles?
Yes / No

13. What factors do you think have influenced your views on female roles?
Society’s expectation
Others: ______________________________

15. Do you think women’s status in society is equal to men? Yes / No

16. Why do / don’t you think women‘s status in society is equal to men?
These days, there is no such thing as a "glass ceiling" for women. Women generally work harder than laid-back men (let's accept it, we can see that from HSC) and get rewards at the end. University attendance is higher in females than males. Women are protected by our society and in their workplaces and there is basically nothing stopping them from promotion if they are good enough.

17. What role would you prefer a female to take on?
Stay at home housewife
Career driven female
Balance between home and work

Thank You for your participation, it is very much appreciated!

If there is any questions or if you like to keep your answers confidential you can PM me.

The deadline for this survey is on the 25th April.


Token Member
Jul 7, 2007
where I spend the vast majority of my time
Kouro said:
What drives females to be females?
It talks about people's perspective on the roles of females within today's society and what influences females to make these decisions in life.​

Male / Female

Age : 12 - 18

1. Rank in order which of these characteristics best define a female:
1 Mother
4 Stay at home
2 Can Cook
3 Can do chores (housework)
5 Same as males, rights and roles, just different gender

2. What role as a female would you choose ? (question for females only)
Stay at home mom
Career driven

3. Which family structure do you live in?
Nuclear Family (parents and children)
Single Parent Family
Extended Family (parents and children, relatives)
De Facto (parents (not married but living together) and children)

4. How many children are there in your family?
1 2 3 4 5+

5. Do you know any of these influential women listed below?Yes / No
- Hilary Clinton - Julia Gillard - Angelina Jolie - Oprah Winfrey

6. Do they influence you? Yes / No

7. Do you know any high powered women? Yes / No

8. What is your mother’s role in your family?
Stay at home mom
Working mother
Sole income earner

9. Do you think with the position of your mother at home it has influenced your view on female roles? Yes / No

10. Do you think the traditional roles of females (stay at home mothers) still influence females today? Yes / No

11. What is your father’s role in your family?
Stay at home dad
Working dad
Breadwinner (sole income earner of the family)

12. Do you think with the position of your parent at home, it has influenced your views on gender roles?
Yes / No

13. What factors do you think have influenced your views on female roles?
Society’s expectation
Others: ______________________________

15. Do you think women’s status in society is equal to men? Yes / No

16. Why do / don’t you think women‘s status in society is equal to men?
Men and Women are not the same. Women have babies, men are physically stronger, etc. Women have the same rights as men. I do not think that their roles are entirely the same, nor are people's expectations of them. It is more surprising to see a man as a stay-at-home dad than a stay-at-home-mum. So no, I do not think that the roles of men and women are the same, but each is of equal value, and we do have equal status in society. Just not same-ness.

17. What role would you prefer a female to take on?
Stay at home housewife
Career driven female
Balance between home and work

Thank You for your participation, it is very much appreciated! you're welcome

If there is any questions or if you like to keep your answers confidential you can PM me.

The deadline for this survey is on the 25th April.


Awesome Member
Mar 18, 2008
Beyond Godlike
lyounamu said:
Women generally work harder than laid-back men (let's accept it, we can see that from HSC) and get rewards at the end.
They only get better HSC marks because english is compulsary! The dux of Fort Street got a UAI of 99.95, because his english mark was like 88. Boys are better at math/science, and girls are better at english!

Cerry said:
mormanism (I think) where it's perfectly normal for a guy to have 2 or 3 wives.
Whats wrong with having 2 or 3 wives? I think normal people would be happier if they had 2 or 3 wives, (as long as those wives weren't noisy and troublesome).


Dec 20, 2006
In the backwaters of Cherrybrook
What drives females to be females?
It talks about people's perspective on the roles of females within today's society and what influences females to make these decisions in life.​

Male / Female

Age : 12 - 18
19 - 25
26 - 32
33 - 39

1. Rank in order which of these characteristics best define a female:
Stay at home
Can Cook
Can do chores (housework)
Same as males, rights and roles, just different gender

2. What role as a female would you choose ? (question for females only)
Stay at home mom
Career driven

3. Which family structure do you live in?
Nuclear Family (parents and children)
Single Parent Family
Extended Family (parents and children, relatives)
De Facto (parents (not married but living together) and children)

4. How many children are there in your family?
1 2 3 4 5+

5. Do you know any of these influential women listed below? Yes / No
- Hilary Clinton - Julia Gillard - Angelina Jolie - Oprah Winfrey

6. Do they influence you? Yes / No

7. Do you know any high powered women? Yes / No

8. What is your mother’s role in your family?
Stay at home mom
Working mother (works part-time)
Sole income earner

9. Do you think with the position of your mother at home it has influenced your view on female roles? Yes /No

10. Do you think the traditional roles of females (stay at home mothers) still influence females today? Yes / No

11. What is your father’s role in your family?
Stay at home dad
Working dad
Breadwinner (sole income earner of the family)

12. Do you think with the position of your parent at home, it has influenced your views on gender roles?
Yes / No

13. What factors do you think have influenced your views on female roles?
Society’s expectation
Others: ______________________________

15. Do you think women’s status in society is equal to men? Yes / No

16. Why do / don’t you think women‘s status in society is equal to men? __While women in Westenised countries have, to a large degree achieved equality, there are still many patriachal societies in which women are denigrated, exploited and relegated to subordinate roles. ____________________________________________________________

17. What role would you prefer a female to take on?
Stay at home housewife
Career driven female
Balance between home and work

Whatever role she is happy pursuing.

Thank You for your participation, it is very much appreciated!

If there is any questions or if you like to keep your answers confidential you can PM me.

The deadline for this survey is on the 25th April.


New Member
May 18, 2007
Gender: Female

Age : 12 - 18

1. Rank in order which of these characteristics best define a female:
2) Mother
5) Stay at home
3) Can Cook
4) Can do chores (housework)
1) Same as males, rights and roles, just different gender

2. What role as a female would you choose ? (question for females only)
Career driven

3. Which family structure do you live in?
Nuclear Family (parents and children)

4. How many children are there in your family?

5. Do you know any of these influential women listed below?Yes / No
- Hilary Clinton - Julia Gillard - Angelina Jolie - Oprah Winfrey

Yes to all.

6. Do they influence you? Yes

7. Do you know any high powered women? No

8. What is your mother’s role in your family?
Working mother

9. Do you think with the position of your mother at home it has influenced your view on female roles? Yes

10. Do you think the traditional roles of females (stay at home mothers) still influence females today? Yes

11. What is your father’s role in your family?
Working dad

12. Do you think with the position of your parent at home, it has influenced your views on gender roles?

13. What factors do you think have influenced your views on female roles?
Society’s expectation

All of the above, but particularly my culture and therefore my family.

15. Do you think women’s status in society is equal to men? No

16. Why do / don’t you think women‘s status in society is equal to men?

It's been less than 50 years since women have began to improve their role withing society significantly. Therefore it is obvious that the patriarchal views of the past are still existant within much of our society. I can't see truly equal roles of men and women for at least another 100 years, and even that is pushing it.

17. What role would you prefer a female to take on?
Balance between home and work. But basically whatever the individual chooses or desires.



Dec 7, 2007
foram said:
They only get better HSC marks because english is compulsary! The dux of Fort Street got a UAI of 99.95, because his english mark was like 88. Boys are better at math/science, and girls are better at english!

Whats wrong with having 2 or 3 wives? I think normal people would be happier if they had 2 or 3 wives, (as long as those wives weren't noisy and troublesome).
First - Tell your maths/science Vs English theory to the two girls I go to school with who did year 12 physics in year 11, both got in the 90s for their overall mark, clean up in every chemistry test we do, are topping their 2 unit maths class (which includes guys), and average about 75 in english.

And also, there's nothing much wrong with having 2 or 3 wives...except if women try to have more than one husband, they get massive amounts of abuse


Apr 16, 2008
What drives females to be females?
It talks about people's perspective on the roles of females within today's society and what influences females to make these decisions in life.​

Male / Female

Age : 12 - 18
19 - 25
26 - 32
33 - 39

1. Rank in order which of these characteristics best define a female:
2 Mother
5 Stay at home
3 Can Cook
4 Can do chores (housework)
1 Same as males, rights and roles, just different gender

2. What role as a female would you choose ? (question for females only)
Stay at home mom
Career driven

Would choose a combination, first off have a career fulltime, then while children are young (before school) see if I can work part-time/from home/volunteer in community, then go back to work when kids go to school

3. Which family structure do you live in?
Nuclear Family (parents and children)
Single Parent Family
Extended Family (parents and children, relatives)
De Facto (parents (not married but living together) and children)

4. How many children are there in your family?
1 2 3 4 5+

5. Do you know any of these influential women listed below?Yes / No
- Hilary Clinton - Julia Gillard - Angelina Jolie - Oprah Winfrey

Yes to all

6. Do they influence you? Yes / No

7. Do you know any high powered women? Yes / No

Not really, depends on how you define high powered. I don't know most of them that well anyway

8. What is your mother’s role in your family?
Stay at home mom
Working mother
Sole income earner

9. Do you think with the position of your mother at home it has influenced your view on female roles? Yes / No

She is not particularly high-powered job/status-wise, but she is treated as equal by my dad, family friends etc (ie she doesn't do all the housework and stuff, it is shared pretty equally) and that is what has influenced me

10. Do you think the traditional roles of females (stay at home mothers) still influence females today? Yes / No

I think that females today (not so much the older ones but the ones who are teenagers/children now) are more influenced by celebrity stuff (sorry that sounds like a cliche). As in, most girls don't want to grow up and be mothers, they want to be movie stars. If that makes sense. But I mean the traditional roles of females aren't as strong anymore, but they have been replaced by other roles for females.

11. What is your father’s role in your family?
Stay at home dad
Working dad (but main income earner)
Breadwinner (sole income earner of the family)

12. Do you think with the position of your parent at home, it has influenced your views on gender roles?
Yes / No

(see above)

13. What factors do you think have influenced your views on female roles?
Society’s expectation
Others: hearing about women who are achieving great things in areas which I respect...eg female scientists, teachers, writers, etc etc

15. Do you think women’s status in society is equal to men? Yes / No

16. Why do / don’t you think women‘s status in society is equal to men? *NB this is for the Western world - different for women in other countries as noted by previous posts

I think that people who complain that there is a glass ceiling/men don't respect them etc are to blame for their misfortunes. Legally you're not allowed to discriminate against women; obviously the complaint is that people still do, but really everyone has some kind of issue holding them back, it is up to you to decide whether you are going to sit around complaining or do something about it. Remember that the glass ceiling is made of glass - not concrete or stone - if you have the right mindset, you can smash it.

17. What role would you prefer a female to take on?
Stay at home housewife
Career driven female
Balance between home and work

Thank You for your participation, it is very much appreciated!

If there is any questions or if you like to keep your answers confidential you can PM me.

The deadline for this survey is on the 25th April.


Mar 26, 2007
can i first just say that this topic makes my BLOOD.BOIL >:[

Gender: Female

Age :
12 - 18

1. Rank in order which of these characteristics best define a female:

2. Mother
2. Stay at home
2. Can Cook
2. Can do chores (housework)
1. Same as males, rights and roles, just different gender

2. What role as a female would you choose ? (question for females only)

Career driven

3. Which family structure do you live in?

Nuclear Family (parents and children)

4. How many children are there in your family?

1. just me.

5. Do you know any of these influential women listed below?

Yes. I also don't believe Jolie has done anything worth mentioning.

- Hilary Clinton - Julia Gillard - Angelina Jolie - Oprah Winfrey

6. Do they influence you?


7. Do you know any high powered women?


8. What is your mother’s role in your family?

Working mother

9. Do you think with the position of your mother at home it has influenced your view on female roles?

Yes. Definitely.

10. Do you think the traditional roles of females (stay at home mothers) still influence females today?


11. What is your father’s role in your family?

Working dad

12. Do you think with the position of your parent at home, it has influenced your views on gender roles?


13. What factors do you think have influenced your views on female roles?

Society’s expectation - Yes
Family - Yes
Beliefs - No
Culture - No

15. Do you think women’s status in society is equal to men?

No. not even in the 21st century. i shake my head.

16. Why do / don’t you think women‘s status in society is equal to men?

media, peers, societal expectations... they just don't change.

17. What role would you prefer a female to take on?

Career driven female, with a family if they wish.


New Member
Sep 1, 2007
What drives females to be females?
It talks about people's perspective on the roles of females within today's society and what influences females to make these decisions in life.

Male / Female

Age : 12 - 18
19 - 25
26 - 32
33 - 39

1. Rank in order which of these characteristics best define a female:
[3] Mother
[5] Stay at home
[2] Can Cook
[4] Can do chores (housework)
[1] Same as males, rights and roles, just different gender

2. What role as a female would you choose ? (question for females only)
Stay at home mom
Career driven

3. Which family structure do you live in?
Nuclear Family (parents and children)
Single Parent Family
Extended Family (parents and children, relatives)
De Facto (parents (not married but living together) and children)

4. How many children are there in your family?
1 2 34 5+
(including me)

5. Do you know any of these influential women listed below?Yes / No
- Hilary Clinton - Julia Gillard - Angelina Jolie - Oprah Winfrey
I know all four.

6. Do they influence you? Yes / No

7. Do you know any high powered women? Yes / No

8. What is your mother’s role in your family?
Stay at home mom

Working mother
Sole income earner

9. Do you think with the position of your mother at home it has influenced your view on female roles? Yes / No

10. Do you think the traditional roles of females (stay at home mothers) still influence females today? Yes / No

11. What is your father’s role in your family?
Stay at home dad
Working dad
Breadwinner (sole income earner of the family)

12. Do you think with the position of your parent at home, it has influenced your views on gender roles?
Yes / No
I don't look up to my parents, they aren't very good role models lol. Im a feminist and I think females and males have equal opportunities, family shouldn't act as a hindrance to a female's pursuit of a career or whatever they may wish.

13. What factors do you think have influenced your views on female roles?
Society’s expectation
Others: Education, media

15. Do you think women’s status in society is equal to men? Yes / No

16. Why do / don’t you think women‘s status in society is equal to men?
Men and women are different in phyiscal structure and, as detailed by society's expectations, women are more suited to bear children and be responsible for their upbringing whereas men are more capable of working and obtaining a substantial income. But in our context, in Australia, democracy, free speech and equal rights have allowed women to be liberated from these social conventions and this may be accounted for Australia's low population &natual birth rate. Immigration is a major constituent of our population, therefore females from other cultures would bring different perspectives of a female role into society.

17. What role would you prefer a female to take on?
Stay at home housewife
Career driven female
Balance between home and work
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