iRuler . . . . I share your sentiment.
If you are in my area I'd certainly like to meet with you and see if you are indeed not "redeemable". I'm just dying to find out.
From your description you're prob Asian with pushy parents. Local "Anglo" parents are more relaxed. I've many crap maths students and I attribute this to the poor preparation in primary school. Primary school teachers are often themselves weak in maths so what can you expect. The education system sets the bar very low . . . up to yr 10. Imagine even yr 8 students have not mastered the 12 x 12 multiplication table. I once had a yr 11 2U maths student who could not tell me what 7x8 is. They reckon in this day and age this is no longer important. They are wrong if they think this way. And these are people who are supposed to have gone thru some Education programme @ Uni to ensure they are qualified to teach maths as well.
nah, it's just that I can't be bothered to spend soo much time again to perfect my handwriting, it takes soo long, plus building up speed... and hsc in only 18 months away!

so yea... I doubt I could improve within 18 months and get faster at writing.
BTW which area are you in? and what would you be providing at your workshops?
also: my handwriting before was similar to the olden day people, the extremely neat one, kinda like that extremely neat lucida font... forget the full name, not the lucida handwritig, the other one
EDIT: font is - Lucida Calligraphy