good options for parking include:
park at north gong train station....60c bus ride is cheaper than parking inside the uni...and if u time it well, its quicker
offer someone a lift to uni and then make them pay for parking
only pick classes that have lectures and tutes at night....after 630 the parking is freeeeeee
if ur at uni for 7 hours....get two 4 hour parking means u have to return to your car in the middle but hey, that $2 saving is one more beer on a wednesday night
get a job that has something to do with uni....that way u can claim ur parking on tax
or if worse comes 2 worse. do what many people did last year, and park out the front before ripping down the no parking signs...if it aint there they cant find u
also....if u have early morning friday classes, just park out the front of uni and get drunk on the thursday night...u can wake up at 825 and still get prime position