UAI: 99.5
Woke up my dad, who gets off work at 5 a.m, at 9 something to tell him

He thought in his grogginess that i said 95 and he was disappointed because he knew i really wanted to do commerce/law. Then i repeated it and he was like "...oh! That's awesome!"
In the end, i did well because i wanted to do well and made sure that i got what i wanted. My parents pushed me like hell but i pushed myself even harder. Naturally, i'd get frustrated with the amount of pressure they piled on to me. But then i think back to scenarios like this:
*secretly watching NBA while pretendin to study in room 2 days out from assessment period with 80% of assessments unprepared for. Mom comes in, catches me and expresses her disappointment that she's sacrificed so much for me to do well this year and i'm not honouring her sacrifice by giving it all my all. I go on guilt trip, turns off NBA, studies and rips the assessments.*
If my parents didnt push me, i wouldn't be near combined law. I'm amused at all these people thinking that when people get high UAIs and say they didn't study much, that they must be full of shit. They did study. Just not the 8 hours a day you think they did. I have friends in James Ruse that seemed to lead a vibrant social life and still got 99+ UAI. People get good results for 2 reasons:
1) They study hard.
2) They study smart but bludged just as much as 7th_sign probably did (like me)
3) They have high scaling subjects like Ext. 2 Maths
Those who can combine them all obviously killed the HSC

I had 2) and 3).
People who refuse to believe high achievers can have a social life are obviouisly bitter and hence they can stfu.
In the end, a good result is one that gets you into the course YOU want. Hence a person who got an UAI of 99.3 but wanted a course with a higher cutoff has as much right to be pissed as a UAI of 60 person.
In the end, parents can't MAKE you do well. You have to WANT to do well and push yourself. Parental pressure is vital fuel, but you control the wheel. Too bad 7th_sign drove off a cliff. After all, Staz's not getting distinction averages because of parent's nagging.
If you did jack shit during the year and your parents are pissed at your crap marks, they should be so take the punishment you idiot. If they're not, it's not necessarily a good thing.
If you tried your best, studied hard but got disappointing results, and your parents give you grief, they should stfu and be proud. Your best is all you possibly offer.
My parents are happy but i can't help being dissapointed because while i did study smart, i regret not also studying harder. Still, i'll hopefully get the UNSW combined law course i want.
Year 12 has been an awesome rollercoaster ride, both academically and socially. I'll pass on another ride though