Palestinian gunmen kill eight at Jewish school (2 Viewers)


Aug 15, 2006
Bayview Heights
TacoTerrorist said:
I refute your shitty 'Arabs don't have no civilisation and are still living in the stoneage era' argument.

While the Golden Age of Islam maintained libraries, hospitals, schools, relatively fair taxes, welfare systems, relatively high freedom of religion standards whilst making amazing scientific, astrological and mathematic advances (look it up) the Europeans were running around a fire worshipping the sun-god and pasting shit over their faces (slight exageration).
Golden age of ISlam? LOL more like Bloodbath age of Islam. Fair taxes? Right yeah imposing Jijyah taxes on non muslim. Freedom of religion was non existent. And for your information, European civilisation, notably Roman and Greek predates islam by many centuries, islamic contribution to science and technology is non existent. In fact Thomas Alva Edison alone contributed more to science and invented more than some billion muslims for the past 1200 years.

First mistake: Not all Arabs are Muslims and vice versa.
I did not said muslims are arabs and arabs are muslim, I said people who post in this thread who are muslim/arabs always tried to justify such suicide act and killings of innocents, including YOU.
I was born a Muslim, my father is a Muslim and I grew up as a Muslim for about 8 years (although I don't classify myself as one any more). I do not support nor did I try to justify the murderer.

On the contrary, some of the people on this board (assumedly you, as well as Ba'al Shem Tov) are ignoring the atrocities Israel has committed in the past and IS STILL COMMITTING IN THE TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY AND GETTING AWAY WITH IT.
The atrocities suffered by arabs are asked for by them and they had it coming. You got what you asked for. Keep sending suicide bombers and Israel will keep dropping bomb over terrorists and their supporters house and cars. Simple as that. And I have no problem with that. :bomb:


Mar 16, 2008
Golden age of ISlam? LOL more like Bloodbath age of Islam. [/quote

The population of almost all conquered Islamic territories (aside from the Seljuk Turks) converted to the religion by their own free will.

Fair taxes? Right yeah imposing Jijyah taxes on non muslim.
Keyword: relatively

Freedom of religion was non existent.
No. There were Jews and Christians in high positions, and throughout most of the Islamic rule of the Holy Land Jews and Christains were permitted to see the sights.

And for your information, European civilisation, notably Roman and Greek predates islam by many centuries,
And for your information, Middle eastern civilisation, notably Sumerian predates Europe by many centuries.

islamic contribution to science and technology is non existent.
LOL. Read a friggen book. Hell, read that particular book, the one unchanged for 1400 years and read how it describes how a baby is microscopically developed and that the big bang happened.

In fact Thomas Alva Edison alone contributed more to science and invented more than some billion muslims for the past 1200 years.
In fact Thomas Alva Edison alone contributed more to science and invented more than some billion anyone for the past ever.

I did not said muslims are arabs and arabs are muslim, I said people who post in this thread who are muslim/arabs always tried to justify such suicide act and killings of innocents, including YOU.
But I don't. You, probably being a Jew, care only for money so don't accuse me. Oh, check out where you insinuate this: 'supporters house and cars. Simple as that. And I have no problem with that.'

So tell me. Does Israel have a big list of where every 'terrorist supporter' lives, or do you just assume that every Palestinian is pro-killing, despite the numerous peace talks Israel has ignored?

I'd like to see the list please, house by house.

The atrocities suffered by arabs are asked for by them and they had it coming. You got what you asked for.
Okay so those two boys (aged 8 and 11) riding bicycles to the local shop to buy lollies and got shot by a Jew-tank 'asked for it'?
Keep sending suicide bombers and Israel will keep dropping bomb over terrorists and their supporters house and cars. Simple as that. And I have no problem with that.
I don't have a problem with killing terrorists. I do have a problem with Israel killing civilians, intentionally or not (often both) and claiming that they are 'terrorists'.
Please stop trying to justify child-murder you filthy Jewrat.


Aug 15, 2006
Bayview Heights
TacoTerrorist said:
Golden age of ISlam? LOL more like Bloodbath age of Islam. [/quote

The population of almost all conquered Islamic territories (aside from the Seljuk Turks) converted to the religion by their own free will.
free will such as convert to islam or get beheaded.

Keyword: relatively
The only religion that impose tax on other religion is relatively fair? LOL! That alone contradict with your claim of freedom of religion.

No. There were Jews and Christians in high positions, and throughout most of the Islamic rule of the Holy Land Jews and Christains were permitted to see the sights.
Such as?

And for your information, Middle eastern civilisation, notably Sumerian predates Europe by many centuries.
Neither Sumerian, Babylonian, Phoenician and Egyptian civilisation were Arabs nor Islamic. In fact, Islam and arabs invasion set back those civilisation for many centuries.

LOL. Read a friggen book. Hell, read that particular book, the one unchanged for 1400 years and read how it describes how a baby is microscopically developed and that the big bang happened.
Quran is a plagiarised version of Jewish Torah and Christian Bible. Both religion predates Islam by 2500 years and 500 years respectively.

In fact Thomas Alva Edison alone contributed more to science and invented more than some billion anyone for the past ever.
Thomas Alva Edison contributed more to science and technology more than all muslims, dead or alive. Muslims contribution to science is non existent.

But I don't. You, probably being a Jew, care only for money so don't accuse me. Oh, check out where you insinuate this: 'supporters house and cars. Simple as that. And I have no problem with that.'
Most Israeli airstrike attacks Terrorists in their homes and in their car. Talking about Money read this. 'Arabian prince' on trial for $8m fraud
A SELF-proclaimed prince from Melbourne's suburbs fleeced investors in his trucking business of more than $8 million to fund a lavish lifestyle of fast cars and racehorses, a court has heard.

Omar Yusuf, 39, allegedly told employees and investors he had been given the title of prince by the Saudi Arabian royal family.,23599,23478639-2,00.html?from=public_rss

So tell me. Does Israel have a big list of where every 'terrorist supporter' lives, or do you just assume that every Palestinian is pro-killing, despite the numerous peace talks Israel has ignored?

I'd like to see the list please, house by house.
Yes Israel have a list of terrorists, and regularly hunt them down whereever they are be it in their homes, cars, in Damascus or Beirut. The long arm of Israeli justice will kill each and every one of them. Just Like Munich Olympic Revenge.

Most israeli military action for the past 5 yrs targeted a particular house or a car, including the recently successful obliteration of 2 palestinian terrorist. like this

"Sun Mar 30, 2008 7:03pm AEDT
Palestinian medics say they have recovered the bodies of two Palestinian militants killed in an Israeli air strike in the Gaza Strip.
The two men have been identified as fighters from the Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades, an armed group loosely tied to the Fatah party of the Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas
From ABC News
Okay so those two boys (aged 8 and 11) riding bicycles to the local shop to buy lollies and got shot by a Jew-tank 'asked for it'?
provide me your source and I will explain why they were shot.

I don't have a problem with killing terrorists. I do have a problem with Israel killing civilians, intentionally or not (often both) and claiming that they are 'terrorists'.
Then tell your fellow arab terrorists to stop hiding behind civilians.
Please stop trying to justify child-murder you filthy Jewrat.
I will, when you filthy arabs stopped sending kids to blow themselves up in bus and schools to get virgin girls.:lol:


Save Sderot
Aug 15, 2004
Hunters Hill
There is nothing Israel can do to stop terrorism other than taking actions to prevent determined terrorists from succeeding. Experience shows that when Israel does not respond firmly to Palestinian terrorism, more terrorism followed, and when Israel takes appropriate military steps, the number and severity of terrorist attacks are reduced.

Animals can work out this concept, why can't Palestinians?


Save Sderot
Aug 15, 2004
Hunters Hill
Some 48 percent of Israeli Arabs believe Iran should be permitted to develop nuclear weapons, according to a poll released recently by the University of Haifa.

Professor Sami Samuha, who supervised the poll, attributed the high level of support to Israeli Arabs' desire for "Israel not to be a strong state," or from the stance that "Israel must be stood up to by strong Arab or Muslim states that can restrain it."

I wonder if these Israeli citizens realise that a nuclear attack on Israel is indiscriminate of race or religion and that both Jew and Arab will die in any such blast, including all the Palestinians that the Arab world cries over.

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