Maths: One math book for theory and another for homework questions. Sheets will be glued into theory book since we don't get that many sheets and it'll just be a hassle if I file them separately - each topic would probably end up with only one or two sheets.
English: One exercise book for notes during class. Any questions will be done in book and any sheets will be glued in. If teacher asks for questions to be done on computer, I'll glue them in once marked and returned. We're occasionally given fairly large booklets that are impossible to glue in, so I'm just going to store them in plastic sleeves.
Extension English: Same as English above.
Chemistry: One exercise book that are for notes and sheets (glued in). We're given booklets to complete, so I'm going to put them into plastic sleeves.
Physics: Teacher basically only gives out sheets, so having them glued into a book is out of the question. I'm going to use an A4 binder folder for them, with loose leaf paper for the occasional notes she actually does write.
Assignment and test results: Display folder.
I was originally an advocate for loose leaf paper but looking back, I found it wasn't really that great for me. With loose leaf paper, I tend to not care and not think about what I write because I have the mentality 'I'll rewrite and learn it later...' - which I never do.

So now, I'm trying to use exercise books for most of my stuff.
I'm also going to glue in my sheets more often. Previously, I organised sheets all according to topic but found that it was very hard to keep track of everything. It also helps because having it pasted into your book gives the sheet abit of context, so you remember roughly what you were learning when you were given it.
So essentially, everything I'm doing is aimed at decreasing the amount of separate sheets and everything I have to keep track of and eventually organise. I tried a fairly elaborate organisation system before but it just fell to pieces, so this time I'm aiming for something much more simple.