Hannahb also got in. Can you two please tell me what schools you go to and what exactly your performances were about?
I did not get in and everyone is dissapointed. Congratulations to you two, but I really do consider the whole selection process to be fucked. Forgive me if I come off as cocky, but we were really expecting to get in. Consider these factors:
We got 30/30 for the trial
My English teacher who has been teaching for 15 years and has been Head Teacher Drama several times said it was the best group performance he has ever seen
Both my drama teacher and Head Teacher of Performing Arts at my school were sure we were going to get in
We were asked to perform it repeatedly - one time we performed it in front of our whole school, around 1000 people, and the whole audience was in hysterics
Paul Viles commented to one of my group members at the State Drama Festival that he had "heard all about our performance" - this was just a couple of days after we performed it for the HSC
I dont want to rant too much, but this is probably my only chance to, so bear with me. I have been to Onstage 2 years in a row, and I must admit after having seen those performances I was sure we were going to get in. I felt this years Onstage was pretty much crap - my only really favourite performance was NUTCASE and everyone I have talked to said it is much better than it.
Just so you know, we played 4 missionaries that traveled to an island to preach to savages and spread the light. When we couldnt find any savages, we turned to a light bulb and started worshipping the "light". All the fedback we got said it was a novel idea, we could tell the HSC markers absolutely loved it.
Its sort of like Monty Python comedy and everybody we have showed to loved it. We have gotten bigger laughs doing our performance than anything I've seen at Onstage.
Sorry for being a bitch, but I was really excited about performing it for you guys. And I can imagine the replies: "At least you got nominated, thats a marvelous achievement!" But I cant just take that - I feel we were unfairly rejected. Most of the staff and students, all of our families and friends are very dissapointed.
Conclusion: I feel the selection process is very political, and I am living proof. I see the same schools every year.
We are a Performing Arts high school - but from the Western suburbs - sorry we dont have the same prestige as "Newtown High School of the Performing Arts High School". Not.
And one more thing, unless the performances have DRAMATICALLY improved from last year, I highly doubt we were knocked back because there were a lot more better performances than ours. Anyway, we are going to Onstage next year - I'm sure most of them will be shit.
Not to take any of the glory away from you two, bettyboop and hannahb... you have my full congratulations on making it in
/end rant