what someone said earlier about aunt petunia being killed is interesting, because yes it would decrease, or even remove (?) the safety of 4 privet drive... but if she is to die in the HBP (book 7'll be too late), JKR'll probably kill someone else off as well, since no one exactly likes aunt petunia
oh yes, and what dumbledore said in PoA, that there might come a time where harry will not regret saving wormtail's life, i'm still waiting for that to come up
i also noticed in PoA, when trelawney is introducing her subject, she says "many witches and wizards, talented though they are in the area of loud bangs and smells and sudden disappearings, are yet unable to penetrate the veiled mysteries of the future".
veiled mysteries...? ok, it's probably just a coincidence, don't mind me
and who is the bartender of the hogshead? in OoTP, harry says he looks vaguely familiar. you never know with JKR...
i'm reading the books for the millionth time, after not touching them for months.... i love it how every time i read them, i find something that i hadn't noticed previously ;D ahhh i <3 these books...