Hey guys, I was told to "drink a cup of concrete and harden the fuck up" and to take a "chill pill (250,000mg). Well, do you know what my response is??
Drink a cup of concrete, Albert, and take the "Fuck off" pill with it. Kind regards to Carrotsticks for lending me one to give to Albert.
And as for you, "Examine", here is what I say:
Today, in English, my teacher told me that the BOS are "marking harder" and creating harder questions.
Who the fuck do they think students are? Superhumans??
Do they expect us to sit on our fucking arses every hour of every day to be able to withstand the enormous pressure of the HSC??
The only way to success is by pretty much ripping 2 (or more) years of your life from you and turning it into a living hell.
Thats where the fucking demons come from, the BOS.
I know that the HSC has all good intentions, so dont attempt to lecture me on that. What pisses me off is what they expect from not only me, but ALL students. Seriously, what does it matter to them? They just sit on their fucking fat arses devising plans to make life harder for the younger generation. Oh no dont worry though, its not like they need to do it or anything. Nope.
Yes guys this IS a hate/flame/rage thread, but I couldn't give any less fucks. In fact, I give negative fucks, to the point where I hate the system.
Fuck the Board of St--... I mean, The Board of CUNTS.
Shove your board up your arse you bastards.
A member of the uprising.
Deal with the thread motherfuckers.

Drink a cup of concrete, Albert, and take the "Fuck off" pill with it. Kind regards to Carrotsticks for lending me one to give to Albert.
And as for you, "Examine", here is what I say:
Today, in English, my teacher told me that the BOS are "marking harder" and creating harder questions.
Who the fuck do they think students are? Superhumans??
Do they expect us to sit on our fucking arses every hour of every day to be able to withstand the enormous pressure of the HSC??
The only way to success is by pretty much ripping 2 (or more) years of your life from you and turning it into a living hell.
Thats where the fucking demons come from, the BOS.
I know that the HSC has all good intentions, so dont attempt to lecture me on that. What pisses me off is what they expect from not only me, but ALL students. Seriously, what does it matter to them? They just sit on their fucking fat arses devising plans to make life harder for the younger generation. Oh no dont worry though, its not like they need to do it or anything. Nope.
Yes guys this IS a hate/flame/rage thread, but I couldn't give any less fucks. In fact, I give negative fucks, to the point where I hate the system.
Fuck the Board of St--... I mean, The Board of CUNTS.
Shove your board up your arse you bastards.
A member of the uprising.
Deal with the thread motherfuckers.