Notes - Rome and Egypt
I've got notes and essays on Egypt (Ramesside Society + and Amenhotep III - Ramses II Period, Ramses II Personality and Akhenaten Personality [yes, I studied for both]), as well as Rome (Augustus - Nero Period). A few of my notes and essays are now in the resource section, but there are some minor notes that I've kinda left out, as a lot of them are fragmented in terms of topics.
A lot of my essays are here, in the resource section. It's a good place to check out, although bear in mind that a lot of notes are grouped together in .zip files (need a zip program) and labelled incorrectly. Also remember that some info may be inside other electives, for example, you'd find Ramses II and Akhenaten notes relevant to the Personality electives in the Period Amenhotep III - Ramses II.
Furthermore, I've got access to a tonne of resources- my own big book collection as well as the huge Egyptology dump that is Macquarie Uni Library. I'm willing to scan a reasonable amount of a book and send it to you electronically, or photocopy it and post it to you, if you pay me postage.
I'll put a list of some books I find useful and a brief note on the historians so you don't fudge quotations from a bad historian (ie, quote Kemp talking about theology). I'm not suggesting even attempting to read all of these, but sometimes you might not be sure about quality of books.
The booklist is here .
I've got all these books bar a few of the huge ones and have access to all on that list, and I think they're the main ones of importance, especially the personality related ones like Kitchen and Reeves. At the moment, they're the only ones that I'll add my seal of pwar-approval to. Yes, it's a long list, but they're all very reliable and have some great info. It's also important to know what book someone's talking about when they say "Gardiner" or "Aldred". I'm willing to scan or photocopy a reasonable and legal amount and send these to those who ask nicely- if you'd like hard-copy photocopies, you're paying the postage I'll have to put up a list of my Rome and Greece stuff, too...
Like I said, I've got access to a lot of stuff and am willing to scan or photocopy a reasonable and legal amount.
Lastly, I do tutor in Ancient History and in Extension History- contact me if you want tutoring of any sorts, although I'd abuse my generosity and just ask me questions on msn or via email.
Essentially, if you're nice and add me to msn or email me with questions / an assignment to read through, I will do when I am willing and able.
rob.p@optusnet.com.au (both msn and email)
I've got notes and essays on Egypt (Ramesside Society + and Amenhotep III - Ramses II Period, Ramses II Personality and Akhenaten Personality [yes, I studied for both]), as well as Rome (Augustus - Nero Period). A few of my notes and essays are now in the resource section, but there are some minor notes that I've kinda left out, as a lot of them are fragmented in terms of topics.
A lot of my essays are here, in the resource section. It's a good place to check out, although bear in mind that a lot of notes are grouped together in .zip files (need a zip program) and labelled incorrectly. Also remember that some info may be inside other electives, for example, you'd find Ramses II and Akhenaten notes relevant to the Personality electives in the Period Amenhotep III - Ramses II.
Furthermore, I've got access to a tonne of resources- my own big book collection as well as the huge Egyptology dump that is Macquarie Uni Library. I'm willing to scan a reasonable amount of a book and send it to you electronically, or photocopy it and post it to you, if you pay me postage.
I'll put a list of some books I find useful and a brief note on the historians so you don't fudge quotations from a bad historian (ie, quote Kemp talking about theology). I'm not suggesting even attempting to read all of these, but sometimes you might not be sure about quality of books.
The booklist is here .
I've got all these books bar a few of the huge ones and have access to all on that list, and I think they're the main ones of importance, especially the personality related ones like Kitchen and Reeves. At the moment, they're the only ones that I'll add my seal of pwar-approval to. Yes, it's a long list, but they're all very reliable and have some great info. It's also important to know what book someone's talking about when they say "Gardiner" or "Aldred". I'm willing to scan or photocopy a reasonable and legal amount and send these to those who ask nicely- if you'd like hard-copy photocopies, you're paying the postage I'll have to put up a list of my Rome and Greece stuff, too...
Like I said, I've got access to a lot of stuff and am willing to scan or photocopy a reasonable and legal amount.
Lastly, I do tutor in Ancient History and in Extension History- contact me if you want tutoring of any sorts, although I'd abuse my generosity and just ask me questions on msn or via email.
Essentially, if you're nice and add me to msn or email me with questions / an assignment to read through, I will do when I am willing and able.
rob.p@optusnet.com.au (both msn and email)
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