There's no need to get offensive. I know that even 'well-educated' drug dealers are of nuisance to the community. Good education provides a person with the basis for making good decisions. So what were you trying to say?Originally posted by melbournian
Shows how little you know. But all the drug dealers I know, are well educated.
Could you please rephrase everything in less degrading tones please.That does not make sense. Could you rephrase it in english please.
I suggest you go and take a second look at reality again, if that's what you saw the first time. I don't care if they want to learn or not, but it's public duty to make sure they get the best chance at it. There may be some in there that do want to, but stuck in a school with a record of under-performance, they're not going to have high dreams.The reality is not everyone WANTS to be educated. We can't force it on them, so why waste limited resources.
They don't need it. You only need textbooks if your going to learn. These kids aren't going to learn a thing.