danz90 said:
Isn't the HSC Advice Line closed atm? lol
Yess 2) is very important.. talking MHC molecules/markers is band 6 standard.

Major Histocompatibility Complex - a protein molecule that is present on the membrane surface of all cells.. and presents antigens.
Can anyone give a rundown on Renal Dialysis, in comparison with normal kidney function? I know the basics...but need more detail
Do we have to be as specific as knowing what the role of dialysate solution is etc?
dude, jst draw a table and shw the similarities and differences, something like this would suffice..
Normal Kidney -
contains nephronswill filter the blood
actively reabsrbs and flters the blood
uses a series of membranes which are selectively permeable
continuous and very efficient
removes urea from blood
Renal Dialysis (haemodialsysis)
occurs through dialysis machine> a filter is connected via a vein which takes out toxins in the blood
filters but dosent reabsorb
slow process, occurs few times week for patiets, takes 3 to4 hours...
also uses membranes but are artifical and are selectively permable
only passive transport used. (difference)
removes urea from blood (similarity)