positive and negative feedback mechanisms are what make up homeostasis.
negative feedback is when the stimulus is brought back to normal by creating internal metabolic activities that 'coutneract' with the stimulus.
eg: cold temperature, drop in body temperature, receptors detect, hypothalamus obatins info, analyses interpretes then signals effectors in muscles and glands, which creates the response- which is to shiver and erect hairs which counteract the problem as shivering helps to increase temperature and hairs trap warm air
positive is similar to the negative feedback but the internal metabolic activities dont 'counteract' but 'encourage' the response
eg, pregnant women has a baby inside right, contractions cause cramps and pain and disrupts the homoeostasis of the woman. so basically the body encourages further contractions as a means of reaching a stable state such that contractions allow the baby to get out...something like that