YES omg actually some other people study this shitty TEXT
what skool u from?
okay wut u need to know
- whistleblowing - how it being portray throught erh dramatic techniques
* beas health (hair out)
* loss of disrespect (people hate her)
* people lie to her
- the meaning of the harmony sinking
* the impact on bea...
- choir - its a large symbol its show how a community works together. Notice how bea is outta fo tuen it respresents she is left out
- the title itself navigating -- > usualy out on sea but used because its a matephorical title
hmmm need to nkow any thing else?
juz understand that each dramatic technique influences something and the inportance of each character
and also NO ONE got full makrs for this last year (proves how shit this text is)