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My RTS (1 Viewer)


Premium Member
Nov 13, 2002

i wanna beta test this baby as well :D

and have you decided on a period ?

There have been a great amount of medieval ones, but for a twist id like to see something to the extent warhammer has in terms of classes, purely mythical, but with enough balance and characters to make it worth playing over and over again.

But have it so they all kinda belong to some sort of meta-group, so say fast + attacking, slow + defensive, moderate. And as such you have each race which has a disadvantage against another, and even picking moderate, you are a jack of all trades but if a concentrated attack from the fast one or a good defence is set, you are basically screwed, unless you know how to utilise your advantages ;D


Mar 14, 2004
Well I'll have to let you guys decide on units and teams and stuff when I get around to it :p .. Just writing the camera class stuff now, almost ready for a terrain preview.


Mar 14, 2004
Hrmm that'd be pretty cool if it whent big ... seeing as it was just something to keep me occupied .. Better get back to it ...


Mar 14, 2004
Ok, well until I'm satisfied that a few bugs (mainly memory leaks) are cleaned up I won't be giving a download ... Hopefully in a few hours the leaks should be gone, but tracking them down is a pretty big job because my engine has grown pretty fast. I'm pretty sure I know where to look though.

However, here are some quick screens of randomly generated terrain! Of course the parameters are not right for an RTS but I only have to change the camera angle reduce the max height and change the lighting and bingo RTS suitable terrain. It's not too bad at the moment, I've never made a terrain renderer before. That terrain was just generated using cos and sin graphs, normally you would load it from a grayscale image.

[edit:] Oops, forgot the image!
-- Taken on the 29/6/04, doesn't do the engine justice at all ... I'll have to fix the memory leaks and show you what it looks like now!! (tis' stunning now ;) )..
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Premium Member
Nov 13, 2002
oooh! i dont want to be admin, just be one of those "ogm i know that guy" :D


Mar 14, 2004
Well the terrain has undergone another upgrade (yay) and I've just created a bunch of different textures for it.. I'll have some nice screens later tonight.


Mar 14, 2004
I completely forgot about this thread. I spent quite a few hours writing up documentation for my engine which I plan to release as open source. It's a pretty nifty little bugger too, currently I run it as a statically linked library and it's only 31.3kb which is pretty good because it means my final exe doesn't get bloated! It has all sorts of features including audio support via fmod. I love bragging :D, this is my first real engine and it works brilliantly.

I've been spending time on the camera functions, the math behind it is pretty intense for some things and it's driving me nuts. But I said I'd post a new screenie


I haven't implemented multitexturing yet that will happen after I get another english task done. Also notice that I have added light sources, ray particles and lens flares? :p

I'm building a site for my engine where you can download all sorts of demos of it's capabilities, so far I have --

Terrain demo
Quake BSP demo
Quake MD2/MD3 demo
Audio demo
Console demo
Physics demo
Font demo

Most of them sort of overlap though. Like input demo is in all of them, as is the camera capabilities which is only translation at the moment not rotation, but I do plan for rotation to be finished today and for my fly by wire to be implemented also, that is something that I'm pretty proud of..I've already written the algorithms for it all I need to do is finish the rotation functions (only 3 to do;x,y,z) and it'll take about 10 mins to make.. Basically you pass it an array of points and it interpolates between them until it's told to stop. You can even absolutely position the camera at any time in it and it'll just interpolate to the next point unless you tell it to stop the interpolation. (I love that word :uhhuh: )

As soon as I get my engine website up I'll post more info regarding the RTS which is sort of on hold because it was slowing down the development of the engine. I was coding some of the RTS until I needed a new function so then I'd go to the engine and add it and then go back and forth and it'd take forever to get anything done. So I drew up heaps of plans for what I'd need and then I drew up some more plans for stuff that would make it so I wouldn't have to modify the engine much in the future and then I drew dozens of diagrams for my classes and such so now it's become a simple mess around code project to a real project. All of the documentation will be available on the website if you are interested in how I've set out the engine and such..

Here's my messenger and such if you would like to 'remind' me to post stuff if I said I would lol, I get into a zone when I code and am oblivious to all happenings around me.

MSN: michael@m5interactive.com
Email: mithoric@gmail.com
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Mar 14, 2004
I told you I'm working up to multitexturing. And I need to create an algorithm for the random adding of trees and rocks yet, and then I need to decide if that should be in the engine or the game which is a hard decision because I'm' trying to make the engine as generic as possible.

I just added a few particle effect and am trying a new lense flare image set.
http://mhtml.ithium.net/conquest/terrain7-7-04sm_evilaurora.jpg << small
http://mhtml.ithium.net/conquest/terrain7-7-04lg_evilaurora.jpg << large

Notice how the horizon is distorted around the terrain and glowing red? ^^
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Mar 14, 2004
I aint dead...however my laptop is :( ... I shut it down after a marathon coding session (my engine is beginning to rock btw) ...next morning it just doesn't start up. I don't want to void my warranty so I ring the support peeps and they get me to pull out my memory, lan card and hdd but to no avail. So by process of elimination it's the motherboard that kicked the bucket. And to make it worse it died on Friday so I've been sitting around twiddling my thumbs using my desktop (this machine) ... which is only good for games really because I don't have my compiler and dozens of libraries and such on it..so I've had to play lots of games.. I think I'm getting RSI as well, my wrist hurts from playing UT2k4 and CS all weekend.

Tomorrow I find out when the technician comes to replace the mobo. Hopefully he comes Monday.

But it breaking isn't all that bad, gives me free time to learn some more stuff like pathfinding which is something that is still a little confusing to me (well seeing as I haven't read anything on it I guess it should be) ..

The last thing I got to add was my own model format, I wrote a covertor for it and all.. Took me a day to design the whole format, I'm going to make it a public domain format seeing as it's pretty good, much like a mixture of ms3d, md3 and my own stuff so it is pretty well compressed and there isn't any waste in it (ala md2/md3 strings (why the heck would you use strings? stupid IMO)).

I have registered a domain now and I'll put up a website so you can download and view screenies from the engine and the game that should follow..

Oh oh and I got a friend to write up concepts for different races and such. He even came up with this awesome idea. I'm not sure if I've seen it in another RTS before, but essentially it's like most other RTS games where you get to upgrade into like a different age or whatever at your town centre but when you get to a certain age or whatever you get to choose your next one out of 3 possible ones...Each one will give you different unique stuff or advantages etc... like one would be defensive primarily and the other offensive.

This would add for some really interesting strategy because you would wait to see what the other person might do so you know what to counter with but if you wait to long you could easily be crushed by superior units of that age or what not.

Sounds pretty cool to me at least... And that resource idea was a cool one as well, I really like that one a lot.. This game could be the best for strategy out of all the RTS games out there! And well it's graphics won't be that bad either, might be on par with Blizzard's even... However the only thing that I will be totally screwed with is sound. But dependings on how much of it I can get done and tested I might be able to get someone to back me on this and I can get some professionals.. I am thinking now that I will not go opensource, well I will, but only like how ID and Valve have done by releasing source long after the game has really died down and is no longer selling.

And something else I would really like to add but I think it might be beyond me at the moment (perhaps I can get some more people working on the project when it really starts to pick up the pace) is unit emotion.. EA games have it in their new RTS game 'The Battle for Middle Eath'. Obviously it's based on LOTR, and well they claim that it's revolutionary but really the only real revolutionary thing in it IMO is the unit emotion. The graphics look slightly beefed up but I think most of that is due to the more realistic textures and models used rather than any hardware or software rendering advances. Mutton dressed as lambm, as they say.

I'm still hoping for some more new ideas though because I want to come out and really make a name for myself with this. At first it was only for fun but now I want to make some money. The graphics as they go are alright so far. They aren't Doom 3 quality, nor HL2 quality for that matter but they're better than SC and almost as good as WC3. I can make them better of course, things like FSAA and some better filtering routines. But apart from that the main graphics quality lies with the artist (also me) and for that I need lots of time... I need to sort of put it on hold though for the moment and only doing work on it where I really can afford to because the clock is ticking and I have to smash these trial exams if I have any hope of getting early entry and/or fixing up my current rankings.

Once my laptop is fixed I'll put up the website and you can see for yourself my under estimated skills, I didn't think it would be anywhere as good as it is really.. Because I've never written a game before (only tinkered a tiny bit with OpenGL and drew a few colored triangles etc..) .. I guess it is really as good as it is because for the most part OpenGL doesn't really come into it. Only a single time in each cycle does it have work to do. The beef of the program is the different maths routines (btw I learnt 4 unit maths to do some of this stuff, considering I'm failing 2 units I guess that shows my real ability, if only Iwasn't lazy) and the masses of classes which I've written..and of course the low level assembler routines for lightning memory manipulation operations.. I'm so modest aren't I? lol..

The next thing I have to do is implement a scene graph. I was thinking I'll probably base it loosely around the Open Scene Graph project, loosely because I like to code things myself and I feel like I'm cheating if I use any software based code that I didn't write myself, hardware is fine though because that require years of skill to write something decent and I don't have that much experience in hardware drivers...barely any to be precise, the best I've done was write a driver for my mouse.

Wow, I really am bored...look how much I've written! 8:00pm, I'm so bored. May as well go and do my chem assignment draft, it's due Tuesday.


Jun 9, 2004
Northern Beaches
there are way too many fantasy RTS's, like magic and swords and elves etc. and too many "who can click the fastest" modern warfare games, eg. C&C, TA etc.

a good, DIFFERENT rts game would be a modern game that required you to conquer the world but would involve more strategy then fast-clicking, formations, moral etc..although thats pretty complicated


Premium Member
Nov 13, 2002
that concept about the advancing to a new age = AoM with the god advantages.

but a good system to implement, the problem revolves with RTS' being somewhat a perfect genre :) with AoE i think it reached its epitome.

Sorry to hear bout the laptop, and good luck with that, could you post the website, and if you need help with it id be willing to help out :)

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