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my review on EDUCATING RITA did i do it wrong or right check me gramma as well please (1 Viewer)


Jan 24, 2007
deep inside your mammas labia
URGENT REQUEST on my review on EDUCATING RITA wrong right??check my errors plzzz...

ok i wrote this review on educating rita i dont know iif that is the way a review is suppost to be written help me PLZZZZ lol. and it sounds really bad i just dont really know what to change i also believe i made heaps of errors i just cant pick it up atm so HEKP PLZZ. i also need to cut a bit off as well like maybe 8lines or so well i have to write it in 40minutes so yeah atm its 2 pages long a4 so i would like it to be at like 1.5pages long. please add on or discard what you think doesnt sound to good.

ALSO i need some THEMES and suitable slogans and quotes for a advert for a local newspaper. like catching ones or whatever you can think of off your head.

THX for to those poeple who are going to help me going to be tested on thursday so yeah wrote this up right now but got physics test 2morow rage...

Imagine you are offering a course encouraging mature age students (21+) to return to education.
Write a review for prospective students of the play EDUCATING RITA promoting its suitability for inclusion in such a course. Your review should discuss the play in terms of its characters, issues, language, and dramatic techniques as being of value in encouraging mature age students to move from one world to another.

EDUCATION A COMPLETE SHAMBLE!!! OR IS IT? Hypothetically speaking you see your life passed by you. Your 20, moving onto 30, going to 40, and now your 50 and you’re still stuck doing the same old, same old. You ask yourself, what more could I’ve done to make my life a lot better than the life I’ve been living in now? Me mates don’t take me seriously. No one really expects much from me, only because I come from the hoods? And society placing expectations on me because of me gender. I just got no choice in life... Enter EDUCATION. Education is the key to life. It provides choices in life that ultimately lead to higher expectation. Don’t believe me than read the book EDUCATING RITA a play by Willy Russell’s explores the transition between two different characters Rita a hairdresser and Frank an alcoholic teacher.

The book Educating Rita is a Hilarious play by Willy Russell’s that really capitulates some of the different kinds of disadvantages people have in life that disallow them to make a transition into a new world, a better world, a Educated world. Russell intelligently allows us to relate to the characters and share some similarities in challenges that we may have faced in life. But, also show that we can conquer these challenges and achieve a much better life, through Education.

Rita struggles against gender expectations and people thinking she is dumb because of her lower class “wants to know everything”. Rita who uses a lot of colloquial language such as ‘off me cake” which is shown throughout her old world which makes people think she is unintelligent growing up as a working class female. However, her long discussion shows how she can intelligently analyze the society forces that shaped her.

Rita is faced with these challenges of people not taking her seriously because of her class and the way that she speaks. Rita’s husband, Denny who has a negative attitude towards education, reflects the social pressure on her to have a child. But she chooses not to, this shows her willingness, her determination to make this transition to have an education, to have choices in her life. When she is trying to get an education for herself Russell shows this through the use of metaphor of “songs” to represent Rita’s life and her transition into the new world. Rita and her family sing a song together at the pub. However Rita’s mother cries and says “we could sing better songs” Rita believes she understands why. The disadvantage of the lower class do not allow them to sing better songs “I would have had to be different from me mates and that’s not allowed”. Rita realized that education is not valued where she comes from. She feels trapped. Rita says; “there’s always another club to go to, and new feelers to be chasin’. Till one day y’ own up to yourself and y’ say is this it?” (pg17) she wants more from life. This is why educating Rita is in the course for mature age students the “more from life” that Rita wants, starts with education. Education is the doorway out of the trap. Rita puts it “but if you want change you have to do it from the inside”.

Russell shows Rita’s response to this challenge is positive because she is persistent as she sets her mind in approving herself. Russell uses books as symbolism to emphasize this when Danny burns her books “he can burn all me books but he can’t touch it if it’s in me head” showing her growth in her transition into the new world which is proof of Rita’s rejection of her community’s value and beliefs.

Rita’s response is not entirely all ways positive Russell presents Rita as shallow through the use of the symbolism of names as she changes her names from Susan to Rita and her attempt of adopting a “posh” accent shows her willingness to change as she thinks it suits her move into the world while Frank challenges her to be herself.

So what does Rita learn? By the end of the play she has found a sort of freedom. When Frank asks her what she might do over Christmas, she has choice. She can go back to her family or she can take off with her new educated friends, Tiger, to France. Rita says “I might go to France. I might go to me mother. I might even have a baby I dunno ill make a decision. Ill choose. I dunno.” Russell shows a new maturity in Rita at the end; her enlarged vision can include her old self as well as her new self this is the power of education.

In the end Rita realizes that she has made some mistakes during her transition and decides to be herself. Russell illustrates this through the clothing which is an important motif as Rita gains confidence she changes the cloths she wears and in the final scene of the play frank gives her a dress for an “educated woman” marking the beginning of her movement into the world of an educated woman.

Russell makes several comments about going into the world in educating Rita the biggest one is his commentary on the British class structure Russell shows this through Rita coming from a lower class that she is disadvantaged in trying to get an education so “educating Rita” has a negative view on Britain class structured society which creates more challenges for the poor than the rich.

The text mainly focuses on Rita though Frank experiences can not be ignored, as Russell uses juxtaposition emphasizing Franks transition into the new world when he meets Rita who challenges frank to reassess his beliefs and leave behind the old Frank. Rita shows you shouldn’t be nervous about returning to education. Frank may be the teacher, but he has much to learn from his student this brings about growth and change in Frank who literally moves into the world leaving behind the University for an unknown experience of a new country. Rita rewards Frank with a haircut

A haircut? Is this all Rita has gained? The difference in that it is a haircut of friendship. A haircut provided by an equal. What has Rita gained? Respect for herself. Educating Rita is the perfect piece to illustrate the value of a return to education.
The play EDUCATING RITA is inspiring and motivating in its right in proving education can be beneficial in all aspects of your life. The play proves that education provides choices in life but affectively brings respect and new maturities to one self. It also shows that it can enlarge your vision which can include your old self and new self. But no matter. This play emphasizes that it’s never too late to return to education and therefore a great book that really keeps you in there with its hilarious screen plays and its anti-stereotypical characters which one can relate to or look up.
Last edited:


Loose lips sink ships
Nov 15, 2004
to the left, a little below the right and right in
Re: my review on EDUCATING RITA did i do it wrong or right check me gramma as well pl

dodgyv said:
EDUCATION A COMPLETE SHAMBLE!!! OR IS IT? Hypothetically speaking you see your life passed by you. Your 20, moving onto 30, going to 40, and now your 50 and you’re still stuck doing the same old, same old. You ask yourself, what more could I’ve done to make my life a lot better than the life I’ve been living in now? Me mates don’t take me seriously. No one really expects much from me, only because I come from the hoods? And society placing expectations on me because of me gender. I just got no choice in life... Enter EDUCATION. Education is the key to life. It provides choices in life that ultimately lead to higher expectation. Don’t believe me than read the book EDUCATING RITA a play by Willy Russell’s explores the transition between two different characters Rita a hairdresser and Frank an alcoholic teacher.
Okay what the? Don't capitalise, don't be so colloquial and "me" is not "my". Phrases like "me gender" and "me mates" should be "my gender" and "my mates". And then "I just got" should be "I just have". This is not how to write a review at all. Suggestion? Look a few up on the internet and see how they're written. No adult in their right mind would read this or be interested in this after the first sentence.

The book Educating Rita is a Hilarious play by Willy Russell’s that really capitulates some of the different kinds of disadvantages people have in life that disallow them to make a transition into a new world, a better world, a Educated world. Russell intelligently allows us to relate to the characters and share some similarities in challenges that we may have faced in life. But, also show that we can conquer these challenges and achieve a much better life, through Education.
Why do you keep capitalising any variation of "education"? It's not a proper noun or name (except in reference to the title) so don't capitalise it. Also, Educating Rita is a play, not a book. Saying that the book is a play doesn't make any sense. You've misused the word "capitulate" as well. This also reads like the intro to an essay, not a review.

Basically, this isn't a review, it's a half-baked essay. You shouldn't directly reference parts from the play - paraphrase instead. Shorten it and don't give away the whole plot either. Relate how Rita moves from one world to another to mature age students moving from the real world back into learning.

I'd scrap this and start again because I don't see how you would pass if you handed this in. Like I said before, google other reviews and see how they differ from an essay.


Rocket Queen
Nov 7, 2004
Re: my review on EDUCATING RITA did i do it wrong or right check me gramma as well pl

You are = YOU'RE

Not 'your'.


Rocket Queen
Nov 7, 2004
Re: my review on EDUCATING RITA did i do it wrong or right check me gramma as well pl

Maybe just get them to Google TAFE and be done with it, eh?

A High Way Man

all ova da world
Jul 16, 2007
i've never seen anything so camp. a monologue in the intro?


Tomcat Pilot
Mar 9, 2006
Miramar, CA
I hope you're better at physics. Like, for the love of god.


Token Member
Jul 7, 2007
where I spend the vast majority of my time
Re: URGENT REQUEST on my review on EDUCATING RITA wrong right??check my errors plzzz...

If you take out all the bad bits it doesn't leave you with much...

Mostly your ideas are okay but you REALLY REALLY REALLY need to re-draft into an insightful and grammatically sound report.

Repost it when you've done your best. If this is your best, you have my sympathy.


Jan 24, 2007
deep inside your mammas labia
Re: URGENT REQUEST on my review on EDUCATING RITA wrong right??check my errors plzzz...

yeah i realised its not that great...im pretty sure i can redraft it. well remember people my review is suppost to be aimed at 21 year old drop outs DROP OUTS lOl im pretty sure thats the language they use i mean you can look at rita thats how she speak...the Bolded letters are eye-catching(its for a newspaper)i dont know....i saw this review thats what they did. i realised theres alot of grammatic errors and stuff i just didnt have time to fix it up.

ill repost it tonight....


Loose lips sink ships
Nov 15, 2004
to the left, a little below the right and right in
Re: URGENT REQUEST on my review on EDUCATING RITA wrong right??check my errors plzzz

dodgyv said:
yeah i realised its not that great...im pretty sure i can redraft it. well remember people my review is suppost to be aimed at 21 year old drop outs DROP OUTS lOl im pretty sure thats the language they use i mean you can look at rita thats how she speak...the Bolded letters are eye-catching(its for a newspaper)i dont know....i saw this review thats what they did. i realised theres alot of grammatic errors and stuff i just didnt have time to fix it up.

ill repost it tonight....
Actually no, if you read the brief it says people who are 21 and older.

You don't have to use lofty language, just don't be patronising. Also, don't flat out capitalise words - it doesn't work to be eye-catching, again it's just patronising. You also don't need to use the same language Rita did.

Basically you're totally misunderstanding what you're meant to do.


Jan 24, 2007
deep inside your mammas labia
Re: URGENT REQUEST on my review on EDUCATING RITA wrong right??check my errors plzzz

ok....im not feeling great about this test 2morow... though it did say "encouraging mature age students (21+) to return to education. " returning is what got me thinking about drop outs but mehh. i guess i got to change it all up...i need a long power nap first...


New Member
Jun 16, 2008
Re: URGENT REQUEST on my review on EDUCATING RITA wrong right??check my errors plzzz

no wat u wrote is alrite.. the information is good. the themes u talked about are not bad! u can still fix it up though no that u have that much time..
IF u have gud quotes and that post that as well cz i have my assesment on thursday.. So yea ANyways gud LUck!

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