Which religion is this? I know I'm part of a religion who had a good man as its prophet. A man who was good from life until deaht, meaning before he was a prohpet also. He was thurthful in every manor of life. And caring and absolutely subserviant ot god,and he is how we should be, ith complete and utter unwavering iman (faith constant).
I know I am part of a religion which is now 1425yrs old, and its prinicples have enver changed, the book has never changed. NAd neither have people, for yes some do stupid things in the name of our God, but they are ignorant of what they do for misguided people have corrupted them and turned them against thier own religion by doing what they do.
But my faith in allah will always be,a dn I will always sing praise to Muhammad, the last prophet of allah, a good man in every way, no paedohile or womaniser like that of the religion you speak of that is only 1300yrs old dear withoutaface, oh now. My faith, my beliefs and my rleigion are a lot stronger than that. I would never be part of a religion if the prophet was a paedophile or womaniser like the one you speka of in the 1300yr old religion. It goes against comman sense that does. And I have comman sense, and more so, righteousness and internal insight.
A religion who takes a woamniser and paedophile as its saviour is not owrthy of this world.