With 2005 Q5:
He has increased the angle and seeing as they are being launched at the same speed, he has therefore increased the vertical component of velocity, hence the projectile will go higher and it will therefore have a longer time of flight.
So, the answer is (C)
Why is it not (A) or (B)??
If you do Mathematics, you will be familiar with the trig equations for projectile motion, namely:
Seeing as:
then any values of angles equally above/below from 45 will give the same range.
i.e., 40 is 5 degrees below 45, hence it will have the same range as 5 degrees above 45, which is 50 (assuming it ends with 0 vertical displacement)
likewise 35 and 55 will be the same, as will 30 and 60 etc..
For 2009 Q6:
The output of a generator depends on faradays law:
So basically, you need to increase the rate of change of flux. One way of doing this is by making the coil spin faster, hence the answer is (A)