RogueAcademic said:
Why did you pick LLB/BSc if you didn't have an interest in it in the first place?
Are you looking to go into academia after graduating from the PhB, perhaps a PhD? I find it interesting that an LLB has clearer career pathway whereas you've chosen (quite validly if that is what you want to do) to major in philosophy which is notorious for having a less clear career path, hence I asked if you are looking at academia. Either way good luck with an offer.
No I finished Yr12 many many moons ago. I was a university academic for a number of years before leaving it all behind to undertake a Juris Doctor for a complete change of career.
Oh shit, sorry to assume on the age front.
Ah, I didn't say I had 'no' interest in an LLB / BSc double degree - just a very 'convoluted' interest, so to speak. Whilst I think I'd hate to study law, I think I would enjoy it as a career. Vice versa with science: whilst I can't imagine myself in a lab coat, I find it very engaging as a subject.
So, in other words, I did / do have an interest in it, but it would've been too frustrating a compromise, really.
I am not too sure what I want to do after my PhB, but I cannot see myself regretting it. Basically, to me, it is almost a end in itself - but then again, chances are I will go on to further study.
Strangely enough, what's most attractive is one of those PhD / JD programs that they have going on in the US of A (I know UPenn, Columbia and NYU do them amongst others) - for the flexibility if not anything else. If that goes down will basically depend on if I can get funding.
Why academic -> lawyer? the pay?