Hey guys
Anyone who is doing medicine at uws have any tips on ow to get in?
Like whats the ATAR cut off and the umat cut off... what section of the umat do they focus on, if any
What the interview is going to be like.
And yeh anything else. I really want to do med at uws
Bwt i do live in the western sydney region...
So hows medicine at uws?
Thanks so much. Please reply
Anyone who is doing medicine at uws have any tips on ow to get in?
Like whats the ATAR cut off and the umat cut off... what section of the umat do they focus on, if any
What the interview is going to be like.
And yeh anything else. I really want to do med at uws
Bwt i do live in the western sydney region...
So hows medicine at uws?
Thanks so much. Please reply