But Hello, 4unit is not like another 1 unit subject. Lets say SOR1. You get half the class time of 2u yet the work takes double the time to learn, how are you supposed to manage learning all this content when 2unit is at most part a silly excercise in feel good mathematics... come on if i did it heck i wouldnt probably go that well but its just soo irrelevant after you have done 4unit. This is empericism. Fine if 3unit will not count for 1 unit, the only other way would be to give 4uniters 100 for 2unit, how else are BOS gonna make the likes of aj and the minority position in this forum get of their ass and realise that learning is not about this self gratifying mark assesment ego inflation that they believe. I did 4u and i just missed out on E4, heck all our class got E3 but when i look at them in light of the people who did 2u, they are more mature, have less of an ego, and are more rounded academics, and i dont really care what it takes, counting 3u for 2 is well worth it if it makes more of these students, who obviously exist rarely in 2unit