hey the maths comp is this thursday, are there any sites where you can get past maths comp tests? my teacher gave me the 2003 one.. does neone have ne more? could they scan it for me.. thx
and on what basis do you make that claim?Originally Posted by Templar
AMC isn't about getting the right answer, it's reducing it down to 2 possible answers and go with the one that's probably right. It wasn't possible to solve every question in the time permitted completely
http://www.artofproblemsolving.com/Forum/forums.htmlTemplar said:It wasn't possible to solve every question in the time permitted completely, and definitely won't be now.
Kids from that forum are probably a million times better than you (unless you happen to be one of a particular handful of people for whom it actually is possible, in which case I shall shut up).SaHbEeWaH said:
Well said. Mathlinks and AoPS are full of past and current olympians. Not to mention potential Fields medalists.David_O said:Kids from that forum are probably a million times better than you
man it was so hard, i only got one of the 5 last questions lol.. the first one..3G'sMt5:16 said:hey... what you think of it... its quite hard... but some questions were pretty fun... thats cuzz i solved some of it...kkeekeke
lol.. u mean theDavid_O said:I put the wrong answer for that one =/
The polynomials q was a normal 4u question though.