Basically, maths CANNOT be learnt ENTIRELY on a COMPUTER. It's a load of bullshit. If you are going to do one of those computer tutor exercises, you need to grab a fresh sheet of A4 paper and write the questions down as they come at you. Then Once you think you got it right, you have to waste more time entering the answers in one by one. It's so de-motivating when you get 1 or 2 wrong and you know you failed the exercise, esp when it's nearing the end of an exercise. There are basically one set of examples for an exercise, and NOT even all exercises contain examples. It truly is a rushed program.
It has a report card feature built in which is meant to tell your parents how well you are going in certain topics. It was never used. (Maybe once or twice when we initially got it, but never since). The lady got my parents sold when she said, "Maths is the most important subject, because it will do you well at uni, helps you over other people and you make the $$$ later on to pay it off" TOTAL BULLSHIT. I will now always be 6 grand less than I had before. Nothing will ever change that.