little help please (1 Viewer)


Nov 4, 2004
I am a 2005 student and trying to do a pre-uni course. I have to write an essay discussing the value of the tobacco industry and I have decided to take the view to which the tobacco industry is not important as for it causes health diseases and costs money due to the health costs etc etc.. this is very important to be as for i have to pass.
However, I sudied PD/H/PE in 2005 but have given all my books away. I was wondering if you could possible provide me with some satistics out of your PD/H/PE book which may show the hospilisation percentage of lung cancer caused through smoking or anything which relates to disease and smoking. I also need the name, date and author of the book. I know this is a massive hassle and i know you are all working on your first assessment and trying to focuss on your HSC, trust me i have been there.. but i am really asking you if you would mind helping me for a few mins. I would buy the books but I have just got rid of them and they have no relevence to my real course for UNI, so it is just a waist of money. Thanking you all for your help.
PS: If i can ever help I will try just PM me... I will do what ever I can...

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