This is an aspect of responding and marking listening and reading questions that is common across different HSC language subjects. The rationale behind it is that the more specific your answer is (as relevant to the question), the more you can effectively demonstrate your ability to understand the language, whether it is being spoken to you, as is the case of the listening section, or whether you must read texts in the target language (in this case, Italian), as is the case of the reading section.
Not only is discussing the correct element essential (since it is the focus of the question), but doing so specifically is better than trying to discuss the general significance of the element, which can lead to a longer (but not necessarily better quality) response as well as potential time loss. Consider the following example in French (you may be able to relate this to some of your own examples in Italian):
« Jean-Claude est parti en vacances avec sa femme. Ils se sont bien amusés ensemble en profitant de tout leur temps libre. Pendant leur voyage, ils ont découvert un dessert succulent: la bûche au chocolat. » (Jean-Claude went with his wife on holiday. They had fun together while making use of/enjoying their free time. During their trip, they discovered a delicious/succulent dessert: the chocolate log).
The translation is specific and if it were incorporated into a response to a particular question (as relevant to that question), it would be reasonable to suggest that the response would be of a good quality. On the other hand, if some aspects were missing and/or not directly addressed, the response may be of a lower quality. For instance:
"Jean-Claude went with his wife on holiday. They had fun together. During their trip, they enjoyed delicious desserts."
The good thing in your case is that you have no issues with understanding the audio and texts. Based on this, you should ensure that you complete as much practice material as possible. As you do this, you should focus on being as specific as possible in your answers, while being mindful of time management. The more you do this, the greater your ability to be specific in your answers.
I hope this helps!