the other thing thats REALLY REALLY good to research is film TECHNIQUES. i'm sure you hear that word ALL the time in advanced and extensions but what makes you film stand out from the crowd is if you pick specific techniques and meaning that you want it to convey. a couple of examples
a direction for a wide angle shot to convey the loneliness, isolation and anxiety of a character
for horror, you could have a few accelerated slow motions to convey a sense of confusion or a sped up montage for the deterioration of the protagonists mind -- pop these into your reflection statement at the end to sound really impressive.
the historical reserach that your teacher spoke of just adds depth to your research -- to demonstrate that you haven't just taken the stereotype and run with it, you've understood where the genre originated, what are its hallmarks, what can be altered or refined to perhaps add a post modernist element etc. the better you understand your concept and your genre, the more in depth a major work you can produce.
i reiterate what i said in the previous thread, if you need any help, please don't hesitate to holler.