I've only really done the foundation-y type subjects - Legal Research & Legal Process and History and the marks haven't come back yet - but the difficulty wasn't too bad for both. Legal Research was quite easy; 2hrs of classes each week, and not much work outside class exercises etc. You can get away with just studying and doing assignments before work is due in and before the exam. Only 2 assessment tasks, and most of the stuff in the subject is easily studyable on your own. It's a subject you kinda pick up as you learn more about law in general.
Legal Process & History is quite tricky. Not because of the concepts introduced but just because of the vast volume and breadth of the subject...it covers the history of law and some basic concepts which makes it a pain to study for before the exam! And this subject isn't really law, its more about the history of law, and there's so much dedicated to the history of law (one third of the exam) with an extremely law-history dedicated lecturer...although there's rumours that they may change the syllabus. Anyway, the assessments for this subject are a court report around mid sem and an open book exam, which is ok, a pain to study for, but if you manage to grasp all the concepts before the exam, and have good notes, its not too difficult. I found the exam okay- I don't think I did fantastically well, but I'm pretty sure I got about a credit...so its not too bad. First law exam and uni exam, so I can't really compare it to anything.
Oh eyah, and weekly preparation is a bit on the heavy side, but its all doable, with readings for lectures and tutes (although you can get away with not doing the lecture ones)- and theres 2x2hr lectures and 1 2hr tute each week. Its 10cp- but its definitely a heavier workload than other 1.5subjects....but not too bad. I managed to do it with work and the like, so its ok.
Hope that helps.