Oki lets make it clear first.
Im born in austrlia and i have a serbian backround. Now lets start.
The first post said that serbia has no oil. This is correct, so it seems that america has no benefit helping the albanians? This is a load of shit, well the oil part is true. Mitrovica which is a city in kosovo has a mine which is now run down and not working etc. However, the mines resources are not depleted. The resources consist of mineral ores etc, and there is a railway track that leads straight to the adriatic sea which allows easy export.
Now what does this mean i hear you say??? It means that amercia, or atleast the sponsers of this war will now have a direct trading route into europe, which will give it an economy boost. Plus, they dont need to pay anyone for this mine, you know whyt??? Cause the bombed the fuck out mitroica and they ripped it apart. And now with this independence, you think the albanian gouvernment will stop them?
Also, the albanians have a very strong mafia in the us, you think this doesnt play apart in anything?
America only goes to where it can profit.
Now lets move on, yes, kosovo is a shit hole. Ive been there twice and its fucking SHIT! Most of serbia is run down, do you know why?? Its because they were in a fucking war people. They were countinously bombed!!!!!!!!
On the drive from the aiport to belgrade you can see building that has been left in runis. Nato bombed schools with kids in them, they even bombed a building that housed just born babies.
Nato even bombed the CHINESE EMBASSY! But then they later apologised. HOW THE FUCK DO YOU GET THAT INFORMATION WRONG????? However, they later apologised, otherwise they would have felt a decline in the economy and most likeley a war would have broken out.
So how can a country grow economically, when its hit a depression? Same thing happened to germany after the war.
Serbians rightfully ownened kosovo. The magority in the begining was serbs. For hunderds of years the serbs and albanians lived peacfully. But then Turkey came and converted them all to islam. Then islam preached them to have more kids. Then before you knew it each family had 6 kids ffs.
Then slowly, the albanians jumped the border into kosovo and started to breed like little jack rabbits on fucking viagra.
Now its like 2million alabanians and 120,000 serbs. The serbs are now hardly majority.
Now, where are these 120,000 serbs going to live? Do you really think they will live under the rule of a PM who is an albanian war criminal? THis guy killed serbs for fucking pleasure the sick fuck and now they need to liswten to this crazed fuck. So they will leave, but, whos going to buy there houses now? Then they'll have no money and they'll live on the streets and put serbia into even more stress.
This whole situation is fucked.
but if america never came to help, the albanians would have never had a chance in hell to take over kosovo. Because as some people on this forum, and other forums have said, us serbians arw SICK fucks, and we never give up what is ours.
Thanks you for your time. And fuck i wrote a long post.