Hi Guys :wave:,
This module is entitled
Conflicting Perspectives, History and Memory.
I presume you guys are both doing
conflicting perspectives as you are
studying Julius Caesar. So what I have done below is paste some info from one of my other posts:
When I completed this module our teacher told us to complete it upon 1 event/personality or whatever you are doing.
So I found articles from two viable sources upon the personality both having differing perspectives. One was from Germaine Greer and focused heavily upon negative connotations. Whilst the other was from an independent newspaper, which praised the work of the personality.
From there I then integrated the articles with similiar sections of my prescribed text (Julius Caesar) and continued in that fashion highlighting the conflicting perspectives. You really need to be able to explain the techniques and how they convey these conflicting perspectives. You will benefit from designing a few mindmaps to help detect the similarities and differences.
Hope that helps you out. There are numerous posts on it, just do a search of the forums and I am sure you'll find what you want to know. Good luck.