No, poetry is not compulsory.You have to do two texts from your Area of Study from the following list,which can be either Prose Fiction:China coin,Heat and Dust or Swallow the Air,Drama:Educating Rita or Rainbows end ,Poetry:Skrzynecki or Dickinson,Nonfiction :Unpolished gem ,Film or Multimedia:Rabbitproof fence,Billy Elliot, or the multicultural Australia website.
You also need to do one text from module A and the type of text needs to be different from the two texts in the Area of study, for example you cannot choose to do two Films or two Drama.Texts for module A are Prose Fiction The story of Tom Brennan(elective one) or Maestro (elective 2)Drama; Diving for pearls(elective one)or The Shoe Horn Sonata (elective 2)Poetry On a Clear day or Kominos by the Cupful(elective one)or Selected poems by Douglas Stewart,Film : The Castle(elective one) or Stricly Ballroom or Seachange (TV show) for elective 2 Nonfiction The Stolen Children elective one only.
Finally Module B is either various texts for Living and working in the community or Academic English.
The texts may be taught out of order eg some teachers do the Area of Study last so it is fresh in your minds. I hope this helps.