Only do 4u if you like maths? lol, I USED to like maths, 4u is way overload, but, it still shits on having 2u count for anything.
No time payments is definately the highlight (although yes it could be in 3u, but not as likely or as important thankgod).
I reakon stick with 4u, even if you're not the best at it, as long as you're keeping up, because yeah, ITS HARD, but everyone finds it hard (ok, some only find it a bit challenging, but they're just nerds
), and 4u is scaled so well because it is hard, you cant compare raw marks for 4u maths with raw marks in any other subject. The teachers at my school told me at the end of year 11, dont be shocked, 4u is different, anyone who cant attempt at least half the paper is doing ok, so when you get your raw marks back and you're only get 70% and normally for maths you get 90 something %, dont worry about it, its supposed to be bloody difficult.
Or, you could drop 4u maths and instead of getting 60% you could get 100% in community and family studies, I'm sure that'll pay off well too