It's nice that you're learning something, even after the HSC. As far as SQL queries are concerned, they were taught 'like that' in my opinion, but it wasn't as
fun (if I can say that my query above was midly 'fun').
In most IPT textbooks however, they are taught according to scenarios, however starting from the basics is always a good idea. It depends on the textbook used, but I used Heinemann's (G.K. Powers') IPT text, and found it useful in terms of Trial and HSC exam preparation.
You can come to me for 'lesson plans' (nudge) but I'm kind of leaving IPT behind me now, seeing as though the exam was (almost) two months ago.
And yes, if you ran a search for
Huy, you would find all 42 pages, compared to the 9 pages containing "Simpsons" (see the post above). You can also click on the:
button, to find more posts by me. This is located below my post-window.