Yes i am currently in second year of the double degree B Design in Fashion Design and B Arts in International Studies at UTS. However i am currently trying to decide whether i want to keep it as it is an excessively long degree. Its the same length as medicine or a law degree. Or how long it would take before someone becomes a practicing psychologist. The International Studies degree allows you to go overseas in the fourth year, during this time you will be solely completing the rest your International studies degree and not doing any fashion subjects. From talking to my course co ordinator she insists that students come back enriched and a step ahead of those students who only did the single degree. I'm not sure what career opportunities are available and am yet to research. Talk to the people at student center UTS. It also depends on what you want to do as a career. If your dream was to be a fashion designer you can even just do a tafe course or do work experience with a designer and go in back door. Its a lot of networking. However the fashion design course at UTS is both theoretical and practical which prepares you for a career in say magazines, fashion writing, marketing etc.