rwc said:
Hey Peartie how is the germany trip going and also could you tell me a bit about the workload you get over there? Its probably different for every unversity/country but how do you choose your subjects and does the grade you get given affect your gpa or is it just on a pass or fail basis? Also are the units taught in german/english/both? Basically how are you finding it
Germany trip is going well thanks
The workload over here for me consists of
Monday: 4 hours (1200-1400, 1600-1800)
Tuesday: 4 hours (1200-1400, 1800-2000)
Wednesday: 2 hours (1200-1400)
Thursday: 8 hours (0800-1000, 1200-1600, 1800-2000)
And all my classes are taught in German although if you come over here and study english for some stupid reason the majority of the classes are English (My uni even has "Australian English" and "Australian Geography" (although they do culture, history etc in this class rather than rock formations and things)
I get a grade of between 1 and 5 here in Germany (1 being great and 5 being fail) but as long as I pass the subject in Germany I just get a "P" at Macquarie and if you pass everything it doesnt affect your I was told.
There are some Universities around the place where they will teach in only english but if you're going to a non english country i reccomend @ least doing a language course and learning some of the language!!!
hope that helps!