super katie
Katie states that she is tired and had absolutely no idea what Lynn, Justin, Marcus and Alan are arguing about. Katie also wishes everyone goodnight before she goes to sleep.
Justin doesn't like anything crawly.super katie said:Katie lingers a moment longer to make it known that there is a moth in the kitchen where she is sleeping that keeps bumping the celing. She hopes it wont bump itself to death.
Alan must put a stop to this now, as he cannot bring himself to ignor it.goldendawn said:Marcus disagrees. Marcus understands that love can involve suffering (the etymology of the word passion is from the Latin term, "passio", which means suffering), but Marcus believes that love ultimately leads to transcendance. Just as the use of discord or atonality in music establishes a sense of instability, it promises to find the tonic. Marcus believes that insults form part of our own self-deception. They express indecision, rather than true affection; they express uncertainty, rather than fostering sincerity and understanding.
An insult is not a joke. It is clothed in the absurd. It is its egoic nature which tickles us. "Dost he laugh in the devils face?" Faust.