On his final post, Alan would like to announce that he will copy and paste all posts from begging to end (when he has time) and send a copy to all who have contributed, as he believes this is a very important event.
He also gets the crazy idea of sending the transcript to a publisher (if no one objects of course) and seeing if this thread has publishing potential.
Alan now realise the oddness of his idea and chooses to withdraw it.
Now Alan must be off to study.
[in first person]
Wish me luck everyone for physics. Love you guys all, to the most sincere level provided by our breif meeting.
[Alan exit]
He also gets the crazy idea of sending the transcript to a publisher (if no one objects of course) and seeing if this thread has publishing potential.
Alan now realise the oddness of his idea and chooses to withdraw it.
Now Alan must be off to study.
[in first person]
Wish me luck everyone for physics. Love you guys all, to the most sincere level provided by our breif meeting.
[Alan exit]