White Rabbit
Bloody Shitcakes
erawamai said:Agrarian socialism my dear. You need to find out what it is before you bag aboriginals for complaining about minority status/disadvantage. Sorry Edit...you already know what it is you are arguing for it.
Who knew country folk could be so left wing!
...WTF? Where did I mention aboriginals...?
The middle man is there so as to disperse the tax dollars in organised policies so that they are best spread.
If you are arguing that the middle man should be cut out no money would ever end up in the bush. The middle man is what makes sure people out in the bush recieve some tax dollars under proportional income tax. But I'm sure you knew that anyways.
I also think you will find that the government justly gives the big mining operations as much assistence as they want. But usually they don't any government invovlement.
I knew that and I wasn't arguing that we should cut out the middle man - to do so would be moronic. Mr Shitless argues that tax dollars should be spent where they are collected, and to do so defeats the purpose of tax to begin with. Following his arguement, I suggested he go the whole 9 yards and cut out the middle man seeing as how he fails to see the primary objective of tax - being of cause, income redistrubtion.
In regards to minning communities, it was more to point out both primary industries and agriculture are the backbone of your export base and without them, Australia would struggle at the moment. Seeing as how these industries and their workers are based on remote and isolated locations - exaclty who Mr Shitless is attacking - saying they are a burden on the economy etc, I thought I'd point out they do more than he seems to think.
Oh...since when was Bankstown classed as 'Country'..? LOL