What I mean by it not 'relating' to maths is that since Year 9 and Year 10 5.3 Maths and Year 11 Advanced; I've always been used to Algebra, Logarithms, Calc, Trig, those sorts of concepts. I wasn't ready to see shapes and count the degrees of each vertex, to learn about paths and cycles?? It's pretty easy but there's too much memorising sometimes.
I always found maths okay and the majority of the time, I performed well but what happened in Year 11 was that the school brought in a prac teacher and he wasn't teaching properly and my Maths teacher was grading him of course. I had a chat with my maths teacher and she said that it was not her choice and as much as she tried to have him teach the other grades, the school didn't let. So when we were going over the topic of functions, we were disadvantaged and that topic goes a long way in Year 11 Adv so the majority of us got bad grades and it continued to topple down, so a lot of people moved to Standard, me being one of them. If we didn't have him, I'd probably still be in that class.