New Member
I'm a Year 11 student who is facing a HUGE problem (read title of post ^^). I don't like most of my subjects, and even out of the ones I (sorta) like, I don't like studying for them/don't have motivation for them/ceebs. I have chosen the subjects I have the most capability for (after all, it's the ATAR that counts more than the interest, to me), though, so it's not that Asian parents have forced me to take subjects I happen to hate lol. Thing is - I thought I'd like them, but the pressures of studying consistently (I've always been a solid crammer) as well as more difficult content are taking a toll on me and causing me to SERIOUSLY lose motivation.
With regards to my study technique - I don't have one. I write notes only sometimes (a lot of my school peers write complete notes at least a few weeks before exams, and it's not even that good of a selective school), and even when I do write them, I never read them again because they're BORING to look at. I've tried using different-coloured pens and a smaller book for notes to trick my brain into thinking there's less information, but none of it works. I made mind maps last year and put them up on my wall, but never even looked at them either after making them. The only study technique that works for me is someone else quizzing me on notes (usually from their notes, because I rarely ever have my own set of complete or useful notes), generally the day, or sometimes even a couple of periods, before an exam. Thing is- I can't do that unless I'm cramming for an exam (people would be frustrated if they always have to quiz me on things I haven't even read up on), which I probably can't keep up for much longer. If I studied consistently for every subject like most high-performing students do, I'd be performing WAY higher than I do in ALL my subjects (I currently do particularly well in some, but bad in others). I keep promising myself every year, every semester, after every exam, that I'll study on a regular basis, but how can I do this when I don't like most of my subjects?? And also I have a problem that when I approach a concept that is really difficult for me to understand, I avoid it completely, only studying it literally the night before an exam.
I have (again, literally) done no work in many weeks now (except the day before an assessment, pretty much), and while I'm not necessarily failing at school or anything, I don't think this is a good thing *extreme understatement*. I have been wasting a lot of time on the internet (beyond normal for any Yr 11 student who is supposed to work many hours a week). Even today, I have done nothing but surf BoS. :'(
I feel like I am in a deep crisis that I need to get out of ASAP. I walk into school every day waiting for the final bell of the day to ring.
Plus, it's not because I can't wait for uni/to do a career that I might "enjoy" (I don't have any career plans)/to be an adult AT ALL. In fact, I'm less than looking forward to all of these things. :'( I don't know what to do - I have no genuine interest in doing anything in life (and this has actually always been the case, not just now), and it's really starting to get to me now. And whatever I have an interest in, it's far beyond my capability. 
Please help me - I'm falling into a deep hole.

With regards to my study technique - I don't have one. I write notes only sometimes (a lot of my school peers write complete notes at least a few weeks before exams, and it's not even that good of a selective school), and even when I do write them, I never read them again because they're BORING to look at. I've tried using different-coloured pens and a smaller book for notes to trick my brain into thinking there's less information, but none of it works. I made mind maps last year and put them up on my wall, but never even looked at them either after making them. The only study technique that works for me is someone else quizzing me on notes (usually from their notes, because I rarely ever have my own set of complete or useful notes), generally the day, or sometimes even a couple of periods, before an exam. Thing is- I can't do that unless I'm cramming for an exam (people would be frustrated if they always have to quiz me on things I haven't even read up on), which I probably can't keep up for much longer. If I studied consistently for every subject like most high-performing students do, I'd be performing WAY higher than I do in ALL my subjects (I currently do particularly well in some, but bad in others). I keep promising myself every year, every semester, after every exam, that I'll study on a regular basis, but how can I do this when I don't like most of my subjects?? And also I have a problem that when I approach a concept that is really difficult for me to understand, I avoid it completely, only studying it literally the night before an exam.
I have (again, literally) done no work in many weeks now (except the day before an assessment, pretty much), and while I'm not necessarily failing at school or anything, I don't think this is a good thing *extreme understatement*. I have been wasting a lot of time on the internet (beyond normal for any Yr 11 student who is supposed to work many hours a week). Even today, I have done nothing but surf BoS. :'(
I feel like I am in a deep crisis that I need to get out of ASAP. I walk into school every day waiting for the final bell of the day to ring.
Please help me - I'm falling into a deep hole.